Chapter 3

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Rainbowkit and Spiritkit watched as most of the cats went back to their dens. "I love my new name!" Rainbowkit meowed.

"Me too!" Spiritkit jumped "I feel like it's individual, a name no one else has."

"Mine too. Even though our names are kind of about our differences, it's also nice to be individual."

"Alright kits, time to go back to the nursery." Berryshine said 

"Aww, do we have to?" Spiritkit whined 

"Yes. Unless you two want to play outside for awhile." she said sternly

"Yes please!" Rainbowkit called 

"Ok then, but I'll stay out here too to keep an eye on both of you."

Rainbowkit and Spiritkit walked closer to the nursery entrance "I wonder if any other cats have wings."

"Me too." Spiritkit wondered "hey Berryshine, are there any other cats here who have wings."

"I'm afraid not. Or else they'd probably be your mentor so they can teach you how to fly." she responded


"Yes, when you are six moons old you can be an apprentice and a cat is assigned with the job of teaching you all they know about hunting, fighting, and what the territory looks like. If there was another cat with wings they would probably also teach you to fly."

"Well, are there cats who know how to fly who don't have wings?" Rainbowkit said cheerfully.

"I'm not sure." she looked up above the trees to where the birds flew in the sky. "Okay, so you see those birds?" both of the kits nodded "They use their wings to fly probably the same way you two would. Just flap them up and down, but not too fast, just enough to get into the air."

Rainbowkit tried to flap her wings, but barely got a few inches off the ground before falling back down.

Berryshine laughed "Maybe you'll get better when you're a little bigger and stronger. Also, I told you I'm not an expert on how cats fly, since I've never seen a cat with wings before."

Rainbowkit got up and stook the dust off herself "Why don't you try, Spiritkit?"

"Ok!" he tried to flap his wings but fell back on the ground, just like Rainbowkit had. "I guess we should wait until we're a little bigger so we can support our weight better."

"Good idea." Rainbowkit smiled "I guess that's the only reason I wanted to stay out here and play for awhile. Want to go back in the nursery now?" she meowed

"Good idea." Spiritkit responded, and followed Rainbowkit and Berryshine back into the nursery.

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