This is dedicated to Demi giving me the idea. Also for being awesome!
"Woah woah woah hold it right there woman. Moving?! As in to just a new house?" I yelled to my mother, I saw Lex and Cam rolling their eyes and they very wisely went to a different room. I silently congratulated them, and once again turned to my mom. She had an angry expression on and said to me, " Nope we are moving to another state. And don't ask why. No schools are letting you in, after the incident." I rolled my eyes and laughed. " First off that was hilarious, seeing all the teachers faces drop, it was the best. Plus I know how to add and read, what more do I need to know woman?! And second off, WHAT ABOUT MY FRIEND! Hmm yeah you didn't think about that did chu?" My mother mumbled something under her breath and huffed out a, " Just pack or else I will tell your father!" I sprinted upstairs and belly flopped on my bed. ' Ugh why do I have to leave...' I glanced over and saw my cat so I started to pet her. " Welp might as well get packing." I mumbled quietly.
" Done! Now what was I going to do, hmm, what was it?!" My phone started to ring. " Oh yeah...." I picked up my phone. " Ello? Hi Takium. Guess what, you know what don't. Welp I am moving." I heard Takium sigh, then after a few moments I heard crying. " Takium it is ok. You have tons of friends, just promise you won't forget me! Oh sorry I got to go! I will try to talk to chu later, k buh bye." I chucked my phone into my bag and walked over to Alex and Cam's room. " Hey dudes!" I said to them in my best Soos impression. Lex started to giggle and Cam was trying not to smile. I tackled them to the ground and started to tickle them. Lexie's face was red and Cam was thrashing both of them laughing. I smiled and got up. They both recovered and stood up to. " You guys done or need me to help?" Cam shook his head and Lex was already playing with our dog Teddy. I shrugged and grabbed their bags and brought them downstairs, " YO MUM, WE FINISHED PACKING, WAIT WHAT DAY ARE WE LEAVING?" " TODAY" Mum (Mom) hollered back. We groaned and peeked outside the front door, sure enough there was a moving truck. I grabbed our bags off the ground and put them in. I went back inside and grabbed the dinning table with help of Cam. We went back outside and put it in. Then moving arrived and finished up packing up the rest of the house. I sighed and got into my parent's truck. ' Well Lilly time to go.' I thought as we left our childhood home behind.

BCHS (Bray City High School)
RandomOk so new story, anywho Demi encouraged me to write a story 'bout Bray that I would make up so here it is.