Demi's POV
"Damn it Copper could ya drive any slower?!" I yelled after going 10 miles bellow the speed limit. He just rolled his eyes whilst Tsuna and Delta laughed. We finally made it to Lilly's house after it seemed like hours in the car. Copper and Tiff waited in the car while Tsuna, Delta, and I approached the front door and rang the doorbell.
Lilly's POV
I hurried down the stairs to the door as fast as I could manage cursing my dress the whole way down. My stomach didn't feel like it had butterflies but perhaps giant beatles. Finally I opened the door and Shuffle and Marina stood behind me while I openly checked out Demi. He was wearing a suit with a red tie and his hair was more brushed than usual. I stopped as I felt my cheeks heat up before realizing everyone was doing the same thing to their date. My eyes widened as I whisper/yelled, "Run!"
Demi looked confused as did everyone else but they listened and ran to the car as I yelled, "COPPER START DRIVING!!"
He took off and I made sure my mom wasn't following us, when I realized she wasn't I sighed in relief. "Thank God my mom didn't catch us.. she would have been taking pictures for hours.." I grumbled a few of my friends chuckled as we made our way to prom.
Holy crap I suck at writing umm I dedicate this chapter to all of you lovely readers! I will try to update soon, love you all! -Lilly

BCHS (Bray City High School)
RandomOk so new story, anywho Demi encouraged me to write a story 'bout Bray that I would make up so here it is.