First Day Part:III

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This is dedicated to Shuffle for being awesome and funny, and always just making everyone smile!

Lilly's POV; 'I am such a klutz' I thought to myself after running away from them. " Hey, you ok?" I turned around to see Inq. " Yeah, just embarrassed." I admitted. " Yo dude dont be. Everybody trips." Inq replied, I nodded my head still unsure but took Inq's arm laughing. We walked to our first period class, Art. I introduced myself to the teacher and took a seat at one of the tables that Inq was at. I smiled nervously toward her but she gave my a thumbs up indicating everything was ok. I smiled again and payed attention to the class.

Le magical Time skip to lunch~~~

I gulped nervously as I walked from English to my locker, I grabbed my lunch and walked over to the lunch area,  I noticed this school was different from my last, you could also sit outside. I didnt look at anyone while finding an empty area, I just kept my head down to avoid attention. But having my luck Rad waved to me and called me over, I cursed under my breath and accepted my fate as I walked over to him and the rest of his group and plastered on my fake smile, I looked over everyone and Alpha seemed to not like me being with their group, how did I know this, he was scowling. Everyone else though seemed fine with me, I surveyed the table and saw that there was an extra seat next to Demi. I walked over to him shyly but he smiled at me welcoming. I returned the gesture before he said to me, " You should have seen your face you looked like you got caught sneaking around." he teased I laughed and listened to the rest of the group complain about teachers and talk about their weekends. Lunch ended to soon. Shuffle cursed while the rest of us packed up. Before I knew it, the day was over.

Sorry for the bad ending to this part, I am sick and out of it. Sorry! Anyways have a good day! <3 

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