This is dedicated to Riley for making the server and always being there for all of us, you are funny, awesome, nice, and a great friend. This story wouldn't be in existence if it wasn't for you.
Lilly's POV
I saw Demi. I quickly put my hood on and said to him quickly, "H-How long have you been there?!" "For like 30 seconds I swear!" "I swear too, mainly when I am mad though." I replied smiling. He gaped at me and found his voice, "That's not what I meant... but I am sorry to intrude, I have never seen anyone else come here. I am always the only one here." I nodded. "So do you live near here..?" I asked shyly, he nodded and pointed to the direction in which I came but maybe about 10 degrees to the left. "Oh I live in that neighborhood too!" "That's awesome, we might be neighbors then?" Demi said smiling. I nodded, "Welp I gotta head back, you can walk with me if you want.." He nodded again and I tried to hide a grin. While we were walking we were telling eachother funny stories, when Demi and I got to my back door he said, "That was fun, uhh maybe we can meet there again tomorrow." He blushed as I thought 'aww, come on Lilly say yes' Well that didnt go as planned because instead I said "Oh yeah, you betcha." in a Northern accent. I realized what just happened and my face flushed as he was trying not to laugh. Quickly he said to me, "No no no I am not laughing at you, that accent was ok but it just surprised me." I hesitantly nodded and headed inside.
Okay I know short chapter, I'm sick. Get over it. Oops sorry that was rude, errr I mean sorry? that it's short? Okay whatever you get the point, any ways, last chance to vote, go check out the update previous to this for details, voting ends tomorrow! (The only person who has voted is the amazing )
Zack- Demon
Marina- Linx
Shuffle- Wolf
Jake- Wolf
Demi- Vampire
Copper- Wolf (I think I can't remember)
Riley- Cat (like a were wolf but can turn into a cat, also same with Linx and Wolves)
Tsuna- Cat
Cam- Human
Lex- Human
Alpha- Jerk I mean Panther (I cant remember)
Inq- Wolf
Rad- Meifwa

BCHS (Bray City High School)
AléatoireOk so new story, anywho Demi encouraged me to write a story 'bout Bray that I would make up so here it is.