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Sebastian's foot tapped nervously as he stood on the balcony of Chandler's apartment, waiting for her to come outside with him

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Sebastian's foot tapped nervously as he stood on the balcony of Chandler's apartment, waiting for her to come outside with him.
He had gone over what he would say to her a million times, rethinking the words in his head too many times.

When the glass door finally slid open, he smiled at Chandler as she walked to him. "Hey, Seb." He smiled again.

"Hey, Chan. Listen, there's something really important that I need to tell you, okay? And let me finish before you say anything," He replied. Chandler nodded, confused about the sudden seriousness in his voice.

"For the longest time, I've been best friends with you, and done everything with you, and tried to ignore my feelings because I was worried I would ruin this, and I could never do that. But, after all this and realizing I couldn't hide it anymore when you got hurt, I think it's time I told you the truth."

Chandler felt herself freeze in place, awaiting his next words anxiously. Her breathing was unsteady and her heartbeat was erratic as he began to speak.

"I am in love with you, Chandler Rose West. I'm in love and I've never felt this way about anybody before, even in my most serious relationships. You are the only person that could over make me feel the way I feel. When I walked in that hospital room and saw you that way I couldn't breathe until you opened your eyes and spo-"

Sebastian's speech was cut off by Chandler harshly grabbing his cheeks and crushing his body against hers. His heart thudded loudly at the feeling of her hands on his face and their lips so close to each other's. "I really like your speech, Seb, but please shut up and kiss me."

His only response was crashing his lips against hers, grabbing a hold of her hips and tugging her ever closer to him. Chandler's knees went weak as his tongue swiped her bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. She complied quickly, allowing him to take the lead as his hands squeezed her hips tightly.

She gasped slightly when his fingers dug into her hips and he breathed a quiet groan against her lips. "Jump," he muttered, she did as she was told. He backed them up so Chandler was sitting on the table against the wall, her legs wound tightly against his waist and her hands now tugging on his hair.

"I love you," He whispered, pulling away and resting his forehead against her own. "I love you more, Sebastian. Always." Sebastian shook his head at the response. "That's impossible, Chan. Don't try me." She smiled as he leaned forward and planted several chaste kisses against her lips.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He muttered, pulling the rectangular velvet box from his back pocket and opening it. Chandler covered her mouth in awe and shock as she stared at the gorgeous jewelry. "Oh my god, yes, you dumbass."

Sebastian laughed and fastened the chain around her neck. "Sebastian this isn't the-" "Yeah. It is. I've had it since that day. I just had to find the right time to give it to you."

Before Chandler received her paycheck, she didn't have much, because it was the first roll she had that paid enough than just enough. Sebastian distinctly remembered the day they went to a street fair and walked to a booth filled with diamonds and precious metals. He remembered the way Chandler's eyes had sparkled at the delicate gold chain as she examined the diamond in the center.

He remembered the crestfallen look on her face when she discovered the price, and the smile that overtook as she pretended not to be upset. He remembered sending her to grab drinks, and quickly shoving three hundreds towards the woman in the books, grabbing the box, and hiding it in his underwear drawer the next day.

"I love you so much."
"I love you more, păpușă."

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, I was at camp!

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