Chapter One

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Chapter One

Waking up the next day, I began to regret telling my mother that I was okay with this decision. As the time got closer and closer for us to leave, reality was settling in that I really was going to miss it here. The weather was to die for, the aurora borealis brought me comfort and peace, and the comfort I felt here I was scared that I'd never feel this way again. 

And God was I NOT ready for this plane ride.

Last night I'd been reading up on my phone about California. It's a lot different from here, obviously. The schools were mainly outside campuses, it doesn't snow, there are millions of residents and since it's located in the desert- It's hot. 

With these conditions, I was almost positive that I wouldn't meet any Vampires there. It'd been a long time since I'd seen another Vamp besides my mother, and the thought of meeting someone like us was exciting- but I was bummed because it was very unlikely that there'd be any. Vampires like the cold and like to stay out of the sun. They like to be hidden, so staying in an area with millions of residents didn't seem like the best idea.

Then again though, blending in with everyone else was smart.

I began to hear my mother's footsteps approaching my door, then her knuckles against the wood. I sigh internally, staring at the two suitcases I had packed. 

We didn't have much. We both decided long ago that we need to be minimalists to ensure that we're able to leave at the drop of a dime, if necessary.

"Sweetie, are you ready?" I heard my mother's voice through the door, her tone sounding rushed. "We need to leave, now! Every minute we stay here is another minute we risk him finding us!" 

"Yes mom, I'm ready!" I yank the door open, unable to help the attitude in my voice as irritation continued to spread through my body. Without looking at her, I push passed her to head down the stairs with a suitcase in each hand.

"Look honey, I know you're not too happy-" She starts.

"Yes mom! I'm beyond pissed!" I growl, turning to face her as I reach the bottom of the stairwell. "We've been on the run forever! We're stronger than a regular Vampire! You're one of the oldest and I take after you! You act like they can kill us, yet you know they can't!"

"And that's where you're wrong." She crossed her arms under her chest, shaking her head at me. "They can kill us, they're wolves! They can tear us apart arm by arm, leg by leg! We may be strong but we're not strong enough!" She pointed out sternly. "They won't follow us to California, it's too far. Maybe we can start over there." She turned back to her things, her voice softening.

"Maybe." I sigh.

"Hailey, you were on board about this last night," she sighed. "What changed?"

"It's Snow now," I huffed as I made my way to the front door. I begin putting on my white jacket, white snow boots and white gloves. 

If you haven't already figured it out, I like the color white.

Apparently, my mom had already compelled the taxi driver to wait for us outside of our house. With yet another sigh, I throw the door open and make my way out to the yellow vehicle. 

With a knock on the top of the trunk, our driver opens the latch allowing me to place each suitcase into the storage. The sound of the snow crunching fills my ears, encouraging me to get into the car before my mother approaches. I was very upset about having to leave. I didn't know why I even agreed to this.

Upon opening the back door, the smell of old sandwiches and alcohol infiltrated my nostrils. With a scrunch of my nose, I lowered my head as I climbed inside. The driver seemed to be annoyed as he took a bite of his half-eaten bologna sandwich, his eyes watching us in the rear-view mirror. I rolled my eyes, staring out of the window as I waited for my mother to have a seat.

As soon as I hear the door on the opposite side of me open, I notice my mother climbing into the vehicle without any eye contact with me. I send her an exasperated look, but she ignores me.

"Airport please." She smiles politely to the driver. The guy lets out a deep sigh, putting the car into drive. With another roll of my eyes, I pull my phone out of my pocket.

I had also been reading up on the styles out in California. I have to fit in, so I have to look like I'd been there my whole life.

As soon as I see my screen flash on, my phone is snatched from my hands and thrown out the window- along with my mother's cell as well. I practically hear my own heart shatter as I glare at my mom.

"What the hell!" I whine, my head turned to stare out of the back window at my phone that was now in pieces.

"Watch your mouth young lady." She warns. Young lady? Is she kidding? "You know why I did that."

My arms fly over my chest as I glare out of the window, tapping my foot as my thoughts began to spiral about how bad of a choice this actually was. 

What am I supposed to do the whole flight?

We approach the airport not too long after, the entire ride being silent aside from our driver humming and coughing periodically. Without a word said to my mother, I remove myself from the vehicle and take my suitcases from the trunk. 

This airport was pretty small, and very rarely had many people. This one had maybe a handful of planes, and the planes themselves weren't all that big either. My mother found a route that would take us straight to California without having to switch flights. I was grateful for this, but also wondered if this long of a ride would intervene with my thirst. 

The trunk slams, revealing my mother walking toward me with her suitcases in hand as well. I turned on my heels to head into the airport but stopped when the driver spoke up.

"Alright, that'll be thirty dollars," The drivers voice fills my ears. With a raise of an eyebrow, my mother walks back toward the vehicle. She uses her elbow to support her weight as she leans onto the windowpane of the driver's side, staring into the man's eyes. 

Here she goes.

"You won't remember ever taking us here, you won't remember our faces, our names or anything about us. Drive off without saying another word." She compelled him, seeing him nod his head before he begins to drive off once again. She flashes a smile at me, pushing her black sunglasses over her eyes as she resumes walking towards me, her black heels clicking on the concrete with each step.

My mother is a beautiful woman. As of now, her hair was back to its original color- black- and was down at her sides. Her hair was long, reaching down to her bottom, and instead of it being straight as mine was, it was wavy. She seemed to be going back to her original self, her hazel eyes from yesterday now being replaced with her natural dark brown. Her black dress wrapped tightly around her natural curves, and she had a grey fur coat wrapped around her shoulders.

A little odd for Antarctica weather but that's my mom for you.

Inspired by my research, instead of blonde hair I now have dark brown hair with ombre tips. My eyes are no longer green due to contacts- this time they're my natural color. Blue. My eye color comes from my dad apparently, but I don't really care to know anything about him.

As we make it inside my mother talks to the woman at the front desk, showing her our tickets. We go through security then find our way to our flight waiting area. I sit down in a chair and begin to read a magazine and after about twenty minutes our plane is ready to board.

Last time I went to an airport, we were stuck waiting for over three hours. It was hell.

I give my ticket to the man at the desk, allowing him to scan it and hand it back to me. With a beep, I'm allowed to go through and begin my journey down the long hall to the plane.

The flight was full, so I won't be sitting with my mom on the plane. I had already fed but I don't know how much that was going to help seen as how it was an eighteen-hour flight.

Better get comfortable.

With a sigh, I relax into my chair. Closing my eyes, I begin to fantasize about what California would be like, and what was in store for me. 

Little did I know...

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