Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

I regain my vision as we enter the building. Something about the halls seemed familiar, though the dim lighting made me question that thought. There were doors on each side of the hall located about every five steps. The hall seemed as if it could go on for miles. Brad quickens his pace as we approach the sixth door on the left side, this one seeming to be the biggest as it had a side-by-side entrance, or in other words- double doors. 

When the doors open, I'm greeted with the familiar but faint smell of Hawthorne. I begin to recognize the fixtures around the room, making me realize that I'm in the same bunker in which my father and Nate died. 

Could Nate's body still be here?

The thought made my stomach turn and my heart begin to feel heavy in my chest.

"Hello, Sister." Eli breathes down my neck from behind me.

Him and Brad must have this "too close for comfort" thing in common.

"What do you want?" I roll my eyes, ready to be done with this side of my family. I wanted nothing to do with my father, let alone his spitting image of a son. 

"No need to be angry with me, I wasn't the one who killed our own father." He shakes his head mockingly, walking around the room. Eli had been dressed in a tight pair of black jeans, a long black buttoned up dress shirt and a colorful vest overtop. He had a nice pair of dress shoes on, in which I could see the polish reflecting from the lamp that was placed on the table that he had been making his way toward. He pulled out a device from his back pocket, my phone. "I believe this is yours."

Though he looked like our father, his personality seemed a lot different from his. Eli leans on the table, tossing the phone over to me then crossing his ankles as he grabs a white mug from beside the lamp.

"He's been trying to kill me since I was born!" I scoff, catching my phone and placing it in my back pocket.

He takes a sip of what smells like coffee, then smacks his tongue on the top of his mouth while shaking his head at me.

"That's where you're wrong." He smirks, then lifts himself from the side of the table. "Follow me."

He doesn't even turn his head as he walks from the room, back into the long hallway. I hesitate a second before following behind him, hearing him and Brad mumbling to each other. As we're walking, I begin to notice that the halls were getting more and more bright. We approach a set of metal doors, and with no hesitation Eli opens them. It was as if we had stepped through a portal into a castle- the brick walls being replaced with marble and the tile that was on the floor was replaced with a bright red carpet.  

Not so familiar after all.

"Wait here." Eli turns to face me, sticking up one finger as he uses his other hand to open the golden door handle. He disappears into the room a second later, influencing me to get a better look at my surroundings. I notice that there are small rectangular windows at the very top of the walls, right below the ceiling. The marble seemed as if it were cleaned daily, no speck of dust or dirt to be found. This hallway wasn't as big as the last one we were just in; I could see that at the end of this hall there was a grand staircase and a beautiful chandelier hanging above it. 

"Snow..." I hear a weak voice say from behind the metal doors that we had gone through to reach this hall. The voice sent shivers down my spine, me knowing it all too well. It was Nate's voice. "Help me..."

No, no it must be in my head. I do my best to ignore it. 

"Snow..." I hear him again, causing my head to jerk in the direction of the metal doors. My heart felt like it could burst at any second, the feeling that his ghost could show up to take out his revenge on me felt all too possible.  

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