Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty 

The hallway is dark, no signs of anyone to be seen. One by one, we all leave the room we were chained up in, all of us trying our hardest to be as silent as we could. One wrong move, and Dan would know exactly what we were planning to do. As we're walking, Brent and Layne explain everything that happened to me when I blacked out. Apparently, by the time everyone finished fighting off the wolves my dad had already taken me here. When he got back to the pack house, he did whatever he did to me, to them. None of us have been able to figure out what it is that he did, though...

"This way." Brent whispers, taking a left into yet another long and dark hallway. Everything smelled like dirt, and since there were no windows to be seen anywhere I assume that this base that Dan has is held underground. "The exit is right up here."

As we're following Brent, I begin to feel shivers crawling up my back. Goosebumps take over my body as I freeze in place.

He's there. I know he is.

Nate clutches my hand as he realizes I have stopped, he turns to face me, then his eyes wonder passed my head. I see his eyes widen a bit, and then I know for sure. I slowly turn my head to face the man, seeing the evil smirk play across his lips.

And of course, Dan is standing behind us.


"Everyone GO!" Layne yells, causing me to turn back around to face everyone. At the end of the hall hangs a red EXIT sign. I see Layne reach into his bag, pulling out what looks like a metal can with the word Smoke plastered on the front of it and two gas masks. He hands Brent one of the masks and puts the other on himself, then he launches the can from his hand. A cloud of smoke erupts between us and Dan. Wolfsbane infiltrates my nostrils, making me instinctively look at Callie seeing that she's already gotten weaker.

"C'mon!" Brent yells, and we all take off running. I pick Callie up, then use my speed and whatever's left of my strength to get us out. Just as I presumed, the base is underground. As we approach the EXIT sign I notice the ladder leading up to what looks like a pothole cover. Brent goes up first, then holds the pothole cover open for us all. Callie clutches her chest as we make it out, coughing so hard that she begins to drool. "My car is right over there," Brent says as he removes the mask from his face. "Here," he says while holding out the mask for Callie. She takes it from him, and we all run as fast as we can toward Brent's car.

He almost had me.. What would have happened if he had gotten me? Would he have killed me?


I feel a ball forming in my throat as I open the door to my house. I can honestly say for the first time, that I am glad to be home. I let out a long deep breath, closing the door behind me as Callie, Brent and Layne make their way toward the kitchen.

Nate is leaning against the wall beside me, his beautiful brown eyes staring into my own. A smile plays across his lips as he pushes himself off of the wall, walking toward me. His hands snake around my waist, and mine follow suit traveling up his biceps and then around his neck. I hug him tightly, feeling as if we haven't had this moment in ages.

"I told you nothing would happen," He pulls away just enough to cup my cheeks in his hands. "We're fine." He smiles at me, then presses his lips against my forehead. I nod, my eyes beginning to tear up.

"I should call my mom and tell her about this." I tell him, unlatching my arms from his neck. He nods in agreement, stepping to the side to allow me to walk.

"One more thing," He says as I begin to walk away, pulling me back toward him by my waist. He grabs my hand, gently spinning me around to face him and then plants a soft kiss on my lips.

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