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a few weeks have passed and you have been living with Dan and Phil. You and Dan are really close now (I mean you're obviously really close to phil but you have something special with Dan)
The next day, you wake up, rub your eyes and check your phone. it's dead because you forgot to put it on charge. You have nothing to do so you decide to go see if Dan's awake. You and Dan had become so close you didn't even knock anymore so you just sort of walked in and there they were. Dan and Phil, standing beside the bed hugging, their arms wrapped around each other so tightly and their heads nested in each other's shoulders. you quickly ran out, you've obviously disturbed something here, you're just in the way.
As you sit on your bed and think about how much you really loved Daniel James Howell and about how much you thought he loved you, deep down you always knew Phan was real. You put your head in your hands and just thought for a while. your inner phangirl was screaming but actual you was sad. Sad because you thought he loved you, sad because you realised how you had disrupted phans relationship just by being there.
A couple of minutes past before Dan walked in. You were facing away from the door, sat cross legged on your bed. You felt the mattress sink a little as he sat down next to you which sort of forced your body to lean towards him.
"Ah, Y/N/N you're awake!"
"Dan, can I ask you something?"
"Anything, you don't need to ask me first, Y/N? What's up?" He actually sounded a little guilty and concerned.
"Are- are you are Phil... You know... Is it a thing?"
"What? What's brought this on?"
he wasn't denying it, which made you sadder.
"Well I saw you and Phil and you were hugging and you looked so in love and I just-"
"Wait, when was this?"
"Like just now" You felt so bad confronting him like this but you needed to just let him know.
"Okay you can't tell anyone Y/N but me and Phil finally recorded the new PINOF but we are not going to announce it until it's uploaded and we occasionally have to do things to make the phangirls go crazy, don't we?"
"Oh okay, I guess"
You felt a strong, comforting arm wrap right around your side. You were still facing away from him. Then he wrapped both arms around you and you felt so safe.
(the cringe is back I know I'm sorry)
He rested his head on your shoulder and you smiled.
"I wanted to do this later" Dan said softly, "When Phil had left so we could have a cute evening in watching movies and eating popcorn right after I told you" he continued, "but I feel like now is a good time..." He hesitated "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? I love you so much I feel so embarrassed to even talk about it but I just wanted to ask you if you felt the same because well we have become really close and I just thought-" he was rambling.
You laughed a little, causing him to stop speaking. "Stop rambling, Howell."
You turned your head back and looked up into the dark brown eyes that make you want to just smile goofily every time you look at them. you shuffled your body around and placing your hands on his chest, pushing him over playfully.
He smirked a little and grabbed your ankle so you flopped down beside him.
You say in silence for a few seconds.
"I love you too Howell. My answer is yes"


"Doodles" - Dan Howell X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now