I was tagged by BombSquad1128 to do this thingy soo here goes nothing👍🏼
What are your top 3 ships? Titanic, kellic & andlet 👌🏼
What song is stuck in your head rn/ what song are you listening to? The rock show By Blink-182 ❣
What do you think of the kidz bop kidz? Throw them in a mosh pit 😏
What do you think of Jacob saggytitties? He makes me cringe internally..
Top 5 favorite YouTubers? Lukeisnotsexy, patty Walters ( when he did YouTube) Shane Dawson, darkstarasmr, heythereimshannon.
What does Siri call you? Big daddy
Just kidding she calls me Delainey🙄
Do you support the word YASS? Call now and donate a dollar to the "nomoreyass foundation"
Your money could help a stupid tween or an old lady who won't let go of her tube top stop saying YASS, so please for less then 46$ a day help these sad sad people.
Call now: 1-800-smack-that-stupid-bïtch
Have you ever killed a man? That's something I answer at 2 am when I'm high.
We'll talk then
Favorite emoji? Sorry they don't have a bleach emoji yet😁
Make a haiku about shriek. The fuck did you just call me?
One fanfic that ruined your life? * looks off into the distance* *an eagle squawks over me* (Why an eagle? Cause this is Murcia!)
It was the first one I ever read..
Favorite food? I like to drink the blood of my enemies from their skulls, it gives it a little tang.
Favorite Disney princess? I wanna be where the people aren't !
Favorite p!atd era? When Brendon uries forehead wasn't the only member☕️🐸
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(I fell btw I wasn't being dragged into hell through my closet)
One song you hate to love ? *rolls eyes* stressed out