part 5 .

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Cheyenne P.O.V
my eyes were so blurry all I can remember is me pushing chresanto out the way taking a bullet for him .. and hearing more gunshots in the room and someone screaming for help and as I heard sirens go off and some people poking me with something on my arms telling me to stay awake and to keep calm I can't even open my eyes am I even alive?

12:50 hospital .

Chresanto P.O.V
as me and my girl in the waiting room in the hospital as I'm pacing back and forth panicking waiting for the doctors to come back with information as I see Rachel crying I walk over to her and kneel down in between her legs wiping her tears "it's all my fault chresanto it's all my fault!" she cried out "no it's not baby don't say that" I responded " yes it is I got caught up with another dude that's crazy over me and wanted to end up killing my boyfriend but instead ended up killing my boyfriend's friend" as she looks done at me sobbing and crying her eyes out as I looked at her and sigh kissing her forehead "everything  will be alright babygirl okay?" as I whispered against her head giving her a kiss on the neck as we heard footsteps behind us ..

uh where is Cheyenne family?

Chresanto P.O.V
over here doc .. as I look over at him "oh uh hi I'm Doctor William and I'm here to give you the information on Rachel she.." I irrupted him "she is okay doc please tell me she okay?!" I shouted "she is fine we took the bullets out in time and stitched her up right on time she did loose a lot of blood but she will be okay she is sleeping now she won't be able for next 24 hours or so exceeded to the drugs we gave her" he responded as I sighed in relief "thanks doc when can we see her?" I asked "now that she is sleeping and isn't covered up yet and not in a wide opened space you can come tomorrow morning soon as the detective are done asking her questions" he responded as I nodded my head "thanks doc" as he nod his head "Rachel she going to be fine okay we can go home" I said as she looked up at me and nodded her head and got up and walked with me to the car.

Rachel P.O.V
I swear Carlos fucked up on this one when I see him I'm going to kill him! he think he can have the balls to come to my house and try to kill my boyfriend ? he is so sick! an- "baby you alright?" chresanto asked me rubbing in between my thighs "y-yes I'm fine what did the doc also tell you" I said looking over to him "well he said we can come in tomorrow morning to see her cause the detective going to be there to ask her qu-" I irrupted him "yeah questions I know they going to come by our house to to figure out what really happened .. " I said. "you going to tell him who did it?" he asked as I just sat there quietly as he pulled up the house and we got out and walked in and seen blood all over the place. "you gone upstairs and take a shower okay? I'll take care of this I'll hop in there with you when your done ight?" he said I just nodded my head and walked upstairs in the bathroom taking off my clothes turning on the hot shower getting in stand in front of the shower letting the water hit my face as I leaned over on the wall taking a deep breath biting my lips getting horny all of sudden just thinking about cheyenne I'm not gay but I don't mind idk but after looking at her watching me and chresanto getting down in the car turned me on 🐱 as I'm starting to rub down on my clit moaning slightly I felt around around my waist as I snapped out of it and seen chresanto as i gasped "oh hey baby!" I said "you okay?" he asked I nodded and turned back around thinking of Cheyenne at the hospital worrying about her as I turned around and got down on my knees looking up at chresanto as looked down at me "w-what you doi-" I irrupted him shoving his shaft in my mouth rotating my head around sucking hard on his shaft grabbing onto his shaft with my hands continuing on what I'm doing as I look up at her smirking and I start to gag and slurp back and forth on his shaft as he start getting hard as a rock and I run my other hands down playing his balls as I hear him grunt my name as I felt warm moist cream in my mouth as I pull back and look up at him swallowing our kids as I giggled and as he smirked "damn baby I ain't had that shit from you in awhile" he laughed as I got up and was starting to get out until I felt him grip me up against the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist and felt his shaft into my tight lul pussy as I let out a whimper and gasps "ooh baby wait" I cried 😩  with that he started stroking real hard inside me as I'm squeezing my legs around him real tight crying his name out scratching his back "oooo uhhh baby I'm bout to let out" I cried out down in his ear "cum on this dick baby" he whispered in my ear with that I lost it and cum down right on his shaft "mhm" he moaned as I looked at him and started kissing him as we got out drying ourselves off getting ready for bed.

8:46 am
  Chresanto P.O.V
as I hear a knock on the door and look over and see my baby Rachel asleep as I got up and walk downstairs and opened the door and see it's a detective "uh are you Chresanto August?" she asked "yes and you are?" I asked "I'm detective Ally may I come in ?" she asked as I nodded my head and let her in walking her to the table "so where is Rachel ?" she asked "she's upstairs sleeping you want me to get her?" I responded "yes if you can" as I nodded "give me a few mins" I respond  as I started walking upstairs walking in the room and started kissing Rachel all around her face and seem to still not get up so I moved the sheets up off her opening her legs and started licking up and down on her other set of lips as she jumped up and kicked me off the bed as I started laughing hard.

Rachel P.O.V
I had done woke up scared cause I felt someone tongue on me as I kicked the person off as I see it was chresanto stupid ass "babe wtf!" I shouted as he was laughing "baby the detective downstairs waiting for you" he said as I sighed in relief and got up and got dressed walking downstairs with chresanto and sat down at the table with the detective "hey and you are?" I asked the detective "I'm detective Ally now Rachel I have some questions for you , are you ready?" she asked "yes" I responded "okay so who was the guy that had the gun and came by and started the shooting and tell me what happened  ? she asked "his name is Carlos Pearson he came around 10:00 trying to come and speak to me about his feelings and my boyfriend got upset and came down to see what was going on and Carlos started getting smart out his mouth and started talking reckless to him and they started gaining up on each other and I tried breaking it up and then my boyfriend asked what he going to do to solve the problem and his last words was "something I should of done along time ago and by then he took out his gun and started shooting I ran to the other side in the kitchen and I was covering myself and I got up and seen blood all over the place and seen it was Cheyenne that got shot up" I responded as I saw her writing down all the information nodding her head okay and as for you chresanto "what was your relationship for you and Cheyenne?" she asked "she just a friend" he responded "you sure? cause she said you guys have something going on when I was at the hospital with her" she responded as I frozen and chuckled loud "huh" as I nodded my head.

Chresanto P.O.V

"WHAT? that's false she's lying to you we have nothing going on ! " he responded as I seen Rachel  get up and walked off into the room "can you come another day please?" I asked her as she nodded her head and got up and walked out the house as I ran upstairs yelling Rachel name "RACHEL" as I opened the door as I seen her on the edge of the bed crying as I kneeled down in front of you "baby she's crazy I have nothing to do with that okay? maybe she like me or something she is crazy I'm not even attracted to her okay please listen to me please you know I'm telling the truth" I said as I looked up at her looking at me nodding her head as she cup my face and kissed me as I kissed her back and said "then prove it" as she pushed me off her as she got her things and walked out the house as I started screaming hitting things that was around me .. FUCK! I shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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