Chapter 4

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Sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've just been busy with family things... But I'm back now. I'm hoping to publish next chapter in a day or two. Depends on what happens. Sorry for the wait but, I made this chapter a little longer to "reward" you guys for waiting so long.


Ella's pov

Today is the day. The day of the sleepover. The day that the jocks and nerds get together. It's the first time in history. Plus it's the first time in forever that I brought a boy to a sleepover. I think and hope this sleepover will be good and fun!!

Today I didn't really "dress up". I just threw on some grey and white, pink brand sweat pants, with a plain white T-shirt. My ratty brunette hair in a messy bun. Added a little bit of mascara and lip balm. Nah, I'm not all that fancy in general. My thoughts are cut off as someone points toward me.

"You." Fin points towards me. I pointed at myself saying me?

"Yes you. Ella just GET OVER here. Please. " He whined. I rolled my eyes at his selfishness and slowly walked over.

"What do you want?" I whined wanting to get to class.

"One I want you to drop that attitude. Two what time is the sleepover thing tonight?" Fin asks. Wow he says something rude and goes to nice. I can deal with this new Fin. Can I?

"Just follow me home right after school. So don't get detention. " I said lightly pushing him with my finger. Knowing that you'll always find him in detention.

"Yeah, Yeah, yeah, blah blah. Okay. "Fin says child-like, but with a smirk.

"I'm going to go to class. So, see ya." I say rushing out of there as fast as possible.

I can see why Abby has a crush on him. He's cute at times but he can still be a jerk. I still have to process how all this happened. One day we were fighting and crying, the next laughing and smiling. It's all coming in so fast it's hard to process it happened.

As I walk down the hall some girls give me death glares, by now I'm used to it. Ever since what happened in the lunchroom the other day, girls have been giving me these glares. I don't care what they think. They are just mad because Parker looks at me and not them. Who cares? That was a stupid question to ask myself.

"Ella! Over here! " Tamara yells as I walk into the classroom. Oh how my friends embarrass me.

Once I finally reach them. We are already talking about my sleepover tonight. It's starting to feel like a party, since everyone is talking about it. Well not EVERYONE, but everyone I talk to.

"Are we going to play truth or dare!?" Abby says a little to loud. I shush her. Sheesh, she doesn't know when to shut her big mouth.

"Inside voice, and I don't know what we're going to do. I kinda didn't really plan anything", I explain saying the last parts as a whisper.

"What? Ella!" Abby whined giving me her pouty face.

"What?" They both roll their eyes at my comment.

"You're so innocent." Tamara mumbles. I don't know if I was supposed to hear it so I don't say anything.

After our short conversation the teacher glides in and starts class. Abby and Tamara whisper from time to time. While I sit concentrating on writing down the notes and understanding how to do our homework.


I can't have homework!! Great. That means I have to study and the guys are going to make fun of me. Calling me a nerd, I'm so not ready to be teased by ungrateful jocks.

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