Chapter 3

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I wanted to start this Chapter with a authors note. I know no one has really even read this book, but, I really love writing this book. Just today. I wrote three Chapters but I only published two. I will update tomorrow. Probably meaning today for those that are reading this. Thank you and enjoy the story. ☺


Parker's pov

"Yo!! Parker!!" Jack yells snapping his fingers at me as I groan. "Snap out of it!! " Jack says slapping my face with a smile plastered on his.

"Stop! Man I'm walking here aren't I?" I say instantly reminding me of my father, my anger aroused.

"Awe, Does Parker like Ella? That's so cute!! My name is Parker and I think about Ella all day!" Jack says in a baby voice, teasing me. That little dick!!

"Shut it." I growl sternly towards him, clenching my jaw in disgust.

"You didn't deny it!!" Jack says punching my arm lightly, joining in the laughter from the guys.

I growl through gritted teeth. They know how to get on my last nerve.

I walk away angrily. I've had enough with his teasing I'm sick of it. They always tease me about her, it's starting to get old now.

Fin's pov

"Dudes I have a great plan!!", I say excitedly hoping they will listen for once.

"What?", Lean groans loudly obviously not interested.

"We can have a sleepover with everyone. Including, Me, Lean, Parker, Brett, Abby, Tamara, plus Ella. We'll have to talk to Abby and Tamara about it." I explain my genius plan.

"Are you sure this will work, what are we trying to do exactly?" I ignore Leans cocky questions, as Abby and Tamara pass by.

I walk towards them hoping they will listen and give in. I already know Abby will, cause you know. I'm hott and irresistible. We just need to get Tamara to give in which she looks like she's easy to break, she's small and a little shy, could be gullible. That sounds so bad and mean but you know what I mean right? I'm talking to myself again. Wow.

"Hey, Abby, Tamara can you help us with something?" I ask hoping they give in to my non explained plan.

"It depends on what the something is. " Abby said. Wow that was easier than I thought. I thought I'd have to beg them to listen, since ya know, they're Ella's friends.

I explain the plan and they both agreed to help me out. They said anything to make Ella happy, but we didn't know the day or where this is going to happen.

"Ella's parents have business trips all the time. I'll ask her about it and get back with you." Abby suggests, walking away to get to class.

Tamara's pov

I don't exactly know what Fin is up to but, it seems like a good plan. I just want Ella happy for once. I know that she has liked him for a while too. For a second, I actually believed she hated him, looks like I was wrong.

"Tamara, do you really think this plan with work?", Abby questions.

"I sure hope so. Ella deserves happiness from what she's been through." I say entering the classroom, noticing Ella right away already cracked open a book.

"Is your dad still on his business trip El?" I ask Ella as she closes her book looking disappointed, and saddened.

"Yes. My mom is going on a business trip on Friday. She said I could have friends over though." Ella says looking excited as she tells us, she knows she won't be alone again.

"Oh that's good and bad. So that means we can come over. Maybe even other people?" I ask trying not to make it look like what it looks like. If you know what I mean.

"What are you implying exactly?" She asks questionably, lowering her eyebrows in confusion.

"That we could have a sleepover with the boys." Abby says squinting her eyes hoping she'll give in. I chuckle at her facial expressions.

"I'll have to ask my mom if the boys can come over." El says looking at her book.

"Just ask your mom if Charlie can come over." I say, Charlie was one of Ella's childhood friends.

"I don't want to lie though. Its my mom we are talking about!" Ella exclaims. Of course memories came up about him.

"We'll come over to your house after school and we can help you with the lying. We'll do the talking." Abby says hoping to convince her.

"Okay, I'll tell my mom that you guys are coming, when we are on our way." El says.

"Alright. " I say the conversation getting awkward. As the bell rings, I turn around and notice Ella reading her book again. I continue walking while shaking my head. Oh Ella!! You're such a nerd!!!!

She's always reading, or doing homework. Ella has straight A's but I think she might have an A- in Gym. She will be so mad when she finds out. It was the one day she didn't eat breakfast and we had the eight minute run. Well let's just say, just because you eat breakfast doesn't mean you don't throw up nothing.

"Alright class today, we will be reviewing what we did in class yesterday. So get into your project groups." Mr. Flitz yells.


"Okay so, I texted my mom and she said it was okay if you guys came over for a couple hours." Ella says as school is over, heading towards her car.

"That's good. Remember I'll do the talking." I say as we exit the parking lot.

"Why are we doing this again?" Ella asks as we cruise down the rode to get house.

"Because this will be good for you Ella, you need to not be afraid of the male gender." I laugh.

"I'm not afraid! You know why I'm iffy around men. You jerk. " Ella says giving into the laughing. Realizing that I was joking with her, she calmly turns on the radio.

Ella's pov

I don't like the thought of me lying to my mom to have boys over. I didn't tell my mom, but Charlie moved three years ago and it broke my heart. Charlie and I were childhood best friends, he was always there for me.

"Mom! I'm home!! Abs and Tams are here!! " Well it looks like they have new nicknames. Funny way to come up with new names. Hey where'd you get the nickname? Oh, from my best friend yelling a her mom.

"Elena you have laundry to take care of on your bed. I don't want to see them on your floor or in your basket, neatly put them away please. " Mom yells back coming up the stairs.

"Yes mom", I say running down the stairs to quickly taking care of my laundry. I already know they will start talking about the boys as I'm down in my room. Sneakily they'll bring up Charlie of course.

As I walk up the stairs I notice everyone is in the kitchen. My dad still isn't back yet of course. He hasn't been home for three weeks! I'm just glad mom got her business trip now and not when dad went. I'd be alone for two whole months, that would suck.

I heard faint talking as I slowly moved towards the kitchen. Which meant they were more than likely already talking about what I apparently want. Even though I really do want to spend time with the boys to get to know them. Lying to my mom isn't right.

"So you wanted Charlie over? I think that's fine. You can have people over as many as you want but not a party. I won't allow that. You girls know the rules, no drinking, no answering the door, no doors unlocked." My mom said putting dinner in the oven.

"Okay call us down when dinners ready we'll be in my room. Wait mom did you get my clock?" Smiling as my mom hands me my new alarm clock, I walk downstairs with a swarm of my best friends behind me.


Yay looks like Ella can have her sleepover after all but she doesn't know that her best friends have a plan to get her and her lover together. Will their plan be worth it?


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