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       All Rights Reserved. ©SEEmySECRECY 2013

           WARNING .... PLAGIARISM is a CRIME


       “ MYSTERY within MY SECRECY ”


                by: SEEmySECRECY


Alright… This thing is in a hurry. I was just like, watching a movie (Another Cinderella Story), and then bwuala… I’d realise to make this thing in real. Cause HONESTLY, I was just dreaming to put this “FILES” here at Watty. And now that I got the chance, so grab it, shouldn’t I?

So… this is a COMPILATION of my EVERTHING. From Filipino One Shot Stories ‘til the ARTICLES I made out of NEED and well, BOREDOM :)) .

Yeah! Here it is… I just want to each of you guys to enjoy my stuffs I’ve been keeping inside my pretty heavy pocket now, haha, I wanna unload it a little, yah know, SPEARED THE VIRUS, haha.


Ø  Filipino Stories (Compilation)

Ø  Articles (Feature, News, Opinion/Editorial)

Ø  And…… I DON’T KNOW YET. Haha. Just wait and see…

Thanks! Hope you’ll enjoy wandering inside MY BABIES ! Oh! Believe me, I’LL OWE YOU BIG TIME if you get a chance to stroll and COMMENT ! GODSPEED EVERYONE! Take care.

LOVE lots,



           † SMS †

[ Copyright © 2013 by SEEmySECRECY Stories 

 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.  ]

Mystery within My Secrecy (Compilation/Collection) - SMS'rhemz -Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon