Feature -- " The Path to Take! "

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       All Rights Reserved. ©SEEmySECRECY 2013

           WARNING .... PLAGIARISM is a CRIME


PS: The Article contains the REAL Sentiments of Kuya Joseph Bastillador. The Article have been prepared intended to inform and touch everyones heart regarding the situation of a person like HIM ! Thanks !

     “ T    H  E      P  A  T  H      T   O      T   A   K   E   ! ” 

                       by: SEEmySECRECY


     Yawn! It’s another morning. Stretching my hands up high, hmmm, that feels pretty good. Now I ready myself for the day’s new adventure. But suddenly I freeze, nope, no police nor were cops looking after me. But I froze and darted my gaze at my hands, holding a towel and a tooth brush, my forehead crumpled, what if I don’t have any of this hands? How could I continue doing simple but needful task?

     Bringing my eyes up, I look at the altar on our home. Did God have a purpose, that’s why I have these both of my hands in use? How about those persons who could have lost it? Or born not to have it? Or taken the chance to use it? How about them? What’s their purpose?

     Meeting someone genius in the art of drawing and painting, knows to use drums and a friend to a lot of good people, were common things that could be seen in lots of different personas. But try to look onto this, you draw and paint using both of your hands clasped, you can hold a drum stick and use it but both of your hands are spindly. Yet all in all, you did it very well, and have no any hesitations in mind. Who am I referring too? He’s just a person, whose both arms is congenitally deformed, yet still, a Fine arts student major in Advertising in the University of Rizal System Angono, and now on his second year , his known to be, Joseph Bastillador.

      Knowing his enchanting way in paintings and drawings, regarding of his difficulties, makes me want to say, “Why am I not like him?” Why so? It’s not as if he was not living in his normal life. He studies, makes friends and take note of this, go to church in daily basis because of him submitting himself to God as a Christian.

      He sees himself normally just like the others. He takes in things around him normally and breathes in air like us so normally, then why still lot of us don’t see things the way he sees it?

      Here’s the thing, as what he had said, “I see things the way God sees me!” Yes! Everything about him, God should come first.  He’s something you’ll never want to miss out.

      How do I know him at the first place, despite we’re in different venues and ventures of our lives. Here’s the answer, “It’s God’s will.” I once have a little chitchat with him together with my friends, asked him about his daily routine in the morning, he speaks as if it was the very typical topic for him to say, “Same as the others, wake up, open my tiring eyes and never forget to pray and thank God.” Now we wanted to know him deeper, the long lost him that can only be found on his past life and he answered us very sure of, “I never fond with God at first, I thought less about him, but things really change, I’m born normally, live my childhood normally, but then again, God planned for me differently. I fell on a tree, got sick, and it turned out to make my bones weaken. But yet again, it doesn’t matter, because of that scene in my life, how I’d seen my Mom and Dad cried because there’s nothing to do to help me and bring me back to normal; though I still lay myself as a normal person nowadays, and how I realize that I can’t do things the same way I did it way before, it pushes me more to know who God is, what he is made off. And what he is to me. ”

     We were listening to him very carefully, that as if, if we blink in twice or trice, we will be missing something very important. And gladly, we captured the very scene of how he say’s this, “I dream to be an Artistic Director someday.” His eyes flashed with happiness, the dreamer of himself is seen in his eyes, a dream who could be in the NEAR future be achieve and pull off. My initial reaction to that was, simply shook my head. That would be ridiculous. I acted that way because I just perceive of his physical appearance. However, as I continue listening to him I found out that, I am the one who is ridiculous for thinking and acting that way, he has the very right to got what he dreamt off. He is a good person at heart.

      Now, thinking alone, I was normal in so many ways than him. Although, he still manage to live bearing this difficulties and take things as a challenge not a problem. Kuya Joseph did have faith in Almighty God. He’s trying to be sociable and be confident. And have God as a strong faith holding, not as his destruction. That’s who he is as what other’s sees him. People he knew know him that way. And he is a person who value things importantly, yet he sees himself not differently.

      Then I suddenly thought of, why does he talks a lot about God? He faces me straight as I asked him that question and declare, “God is my Father.” He’s eyes glitters with sparking knowing about God. As if he sees him personally. But what can replace the fact that he sees God not in sight but in heart!

      As we bid goodbye at him, after a long talk regarding his life and God. I realize one thing, the path to take what is right, is the path where it will lead us to God!


           † SMS †

[ Copyright © 2013 by SEEmySECRECY Stories 

 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.  ]

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