World Gone mad

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Tall-ah Green P.O.V.

I was mesmerized by the bodies that just hung there as if they were art. The bodies were crushed into the wall in a circle that had the writing on the inside. "We are coming for you."

Ingolfr was the first to speak in a frightened voice "Those are humans.... My queen, please look away from this site!"

I just stood there with no words just a blank stare. I found my voice again and asked, "Where is the closest village?"

Sigrun looked at me with a stunned look, "Well we should go straight to the castle it's the safest place so far, as you can see war still runs ramped here."

Tall-ah looked at the two men then commanded, "You will take me to the closest village as of now I will not rule a people without knowing who they are and what is happening to them!" They both bow their heads in submission and replied in unison. "Yes, my queen!"

Ingolfr looked at the sky then back at Tall-ah If we walk it will take 3 hours to get there if I could suggest you can ride on my back or Sigrun to shorten the time to half an hour. Is this all right?"

Tall-ah looked at them, "yes this is fine. I will ride on Sigrun back while you lead the way." Tall-ah was about to ask if he was all right but there stood a wolf that was seven feet tall and it towered over her. The wolf had red eyes and a white coat with gray on his feet. Three bags were already on his back so I knew it was Sigrun he nudged me a bit to hurry up and get on and as I walked to his side he crouched down to help me up. His fur was so soft and I was so High up I thought I would fall but the bags were somehow placed almost like a seat. Looking over at Ingolfr I saw a wolf with purple eyes and the same color coat he was a bit taller thou. I knew right away who he was Ingolfr. "All right let's get going don't want to run around in the dark now."

Sigrun legs bent then his back muscles tensed I look down into the fur gently running my fingers through it. Sigrun's wolf shivered a little I look up and around and I see trees all around we were obviously in a forest running at a pace I couldn't comprehend. Instead of lush green trees, I was met by dead plants and burnt ashes that cover the ground like snow. We finally passed by a small lake and a cottage before making it to the village. We had plenty time to spear the boys stayed in there wolf forms. I took the liberty to go inside a shack it was a small white chipped house with nothing really inside the floor was torn up but that was most of the damage.

As I walked out of the house I heard some voices behind the house, making sure not to alert them of my presents I creep toward the sound while glued to the house wall. "Humans what a waste they can't do anything there just cattle! Right rats.

"Right!" A sickly laugh came from one of the men.

He coughed "The Royals don't even do anything about the deaths of humans anymore ever since what's her face disappeared."

One of the men raises his arms in a mocking defeat while sarcastically saying. "Careful man we don't want to risk a beheading. Not that they would come and find us even if they knew."

"Man the fun we had in this village thou, mothers crying for their children and children running for their lives. We should have saved some so we could put them into slavery and make some cash on them." He nods toward the other man.

I listened to these men talk about the scene I had seen. The looks I received when I came out from hiding was so funny. The men they were surprised to see a weak human like me they called me doll, one tried to touch me and coax me into leaving with him. Big mistake Sigrun took the man's arm in his mouth and snapped it making his touch fall short about 20 inches. Ingolfr had half shifted so I could talk to him.

He asks what I wanted and all I said was information.

The other man was in tears scared out of his mind he gave me all the info I needed to start my journey I wanted to know what happened? Apparently, crime rate rocketed when Queen Kiusak was in a depressed state cause of the queen's absence. She was the main controller of the police army forces so when she stopped crime rate rocketed.

Human where worse off than ever they were placed on the outside walls used as meat shields as the other monsters kill them off. They grew their own food and gave up their blood to any hungry vampire as if it was the law.

Ingolfr looks him up and down growling "You're a vampire I can smell it, you should die for your crimes."

The vampire shiver cried out, " Wait, man, I can help you! I have information about the human killings I can tell you where to find them just please spare me I will do whatever it takes Please!!

I look at Ingolfr then the man, "Tell me who did this vamp?"

"They are known as the stone shadows pack! They are to the west in the mountains of Walmor. Now please let me go."

Tall-ah sighs and shakes her head "Well if you want to live that badly then fight for it just like the humans did for the whole time I was gone even if the fight is unfair."

The Vampire man was just about to talk when Sigrun let go of his arm and took off his head with one chomp. The crunch was gruesome at the least but needed and a lot more punishment will be handed out before I'm done.

Were to next my queen Ingolfr question." We are heading to the mountains I don't know what's there but I think it will be best to head there and take out the trash.

Sigrun smiled wide as the fresh blood was painted all over him, "Do you mean it we are going to take out a pack! OH HAPPY DAYS HAPPY DAYS!!!"

Ingolfr was standing there with his mouth hanging open. "Wait what no Tall-ah, not happy days Sigrun you are thinking of taking on a whole pack with just the three of us?"

Sigrun cleared his throat about to talk I cut him off "YA we are going to kill all of them if they have been doing this for a while than ya I will."

Sigrun tries once again to speak but was once again cut off this time by Ingolfr "I understand that but two fighters and a high queen VS a pack of maybe 40 wolves not going to happen."

Sigrun was tapping his foot before loudly speaking in a cross voice. "Yo I'm still here and if you are worried about manpower why not use the roots? We can call on the fairies to do an air attack hell they can even get the war bears over here with teleportation spells. Then the rest a telepathic message and they could be there within 15 min vampire and wolves are every fast just not as strong as war bears or capable as witches.

Tallah was blinking in surprise and she tried to find the words to explain herself and her appreciation of killing. "Well that great that you thought of something so fast how far the roots?"

He shrugged "I don't know maybe a few hours out if we get there then the rest is easy because the battle is like 10 yards away from the roots so we can get there right when the action hits."

Smiling I started to walk toward the forest "let's make camp the stuff you bought should be more than enough and I don't want the cottage to fall on me so let's not even think of sleeping in there." I thought to myself tomorrow they will die for their crimes this isn't an eye for an eye this is 1 life for 50 other souls.


Well, that was that she got her mind set on blood but why? she wasn't like that before was she maybe it's an act to cover up her true past? Or maybe it is the memories she doesn't remember anything but her subconscious could come out who knows maybe she is she batshit crazy. The next chapter is going to be a fun one I'm going to try writing the battle scene. With Tall-ah just watching cause you know she's a human or as least re-raised to be one. Tune in next time for some more fun.

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