01. A little shock?

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What she saw wasn't what she expected. She stood by the door, her mouth agape in shock. As soon as she had entered the door, the two people on the bed separated, covering themselves with the covers. Never in a million years had she thought that he- Ron - would do that to her.

Ron had stood up covering his waist with one of the covers, and walked over to her. The closer he got, the more she backed away. He tried reaching her shoulder, but Hermione had slapped it away with all the anger she could muster up.

"No Ron. Don't you even bloody dare to touch me! I don't know what you've been doing, and I don't want to know!" Hermione screamed. By now, tears were pouring down her cheeks like water falling down in a cascade.

"Hermione, I can expl-" Ron started, but didn't get the chance to finish.

"Explain what Ron? What were you going to explain? Were you really that tired of me? Well guess what? I'm sorry that I wasn't enough for you for five years, Ron." Hermione snapped."I don't want to bloody see your face anywhere near me. Not anymore."

And like that, she took off her ring and threw it at him, and then she stepped out of the room and disapparated to Ginny and Harry's flat. When she knocked harshly, about two seconds later Harry opened the door.

"Hermione, hi. What are you-" He was cut off when she clung on to him and sobbed on his shoulder.

"Why Harry? Why did I trust him? What did I do wrong? I just want to know what I did wrong to make him cheat on me. And with Astoria Greengrass! What does she have that I don't have? I thought he loved me!" Hermione ranted, while she sobbed and punched his chest.

With all of Hermione's ranting-well more like screaming- Ginny came out of the restroom as quickly as she could. She was shocked to see Hermione cry. Hermione rarely cried. The only time they saw her cry was when she found out her parents died before the war.

Ginny made a gesture, as if telling Harry to sit her down on the couch so they could talk. When they were seated, she cried for about twenty more minutes, until she ran out of tears. Ginny went and sat next to her and hugged her.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Ginny asked worriedly, but also slightly mad. She was worried for Hermione, but she was mad because she knew her brother had caused this. Especially because she didn't see the engagement on her hand.

"Yes, please." She managed to croak out.

"But promise us to not cry. Can you do that for us?" Ginny asked holding out her pinky finger.

"Okay." Hermione replied, hooking her pinky with Ginny's.

  "You ready to tell us now or do you need a few more minutes?" Ginny asked sincerely, as if talking to a lost child.

  "You know 'Mione, if you want to stay over at our house today, you're really welcome. You know you're like my sister." Harry said reaching over to her hand and held it tightly.

  "Thank you, I-I would really like that. The sooner I tell the story the better." She said looking at Ginny, while Ginny nodded slowly. "I thought today was going to be like any other day. Sunny and bright, so I decided to go give Ron a surprise morning visit at the Leaky Cauldron where he's staying at. When I went upstairs an-and I opened the door to his room. I guess I was the one who ended up surprised be-because he wasn't alone.

  "He was in bed with a woman that wasn't me. I never thought tha-that he would go behind my back to other women just because I didn't give him what he wanted. I wasn't enough for him. I was never enough." And now, instead of being filled with sadness, she was suddenly filled with anger towards her ex.

  Harry growled in madness, while Ginny cursed him under her breath.

  "That stupid git. He has the nerve to go behind your back? Oh Ronald Weasley here I come!" In that instant Ginny went towards the door, but was stopped by a furious Harry.

  "No Ginny. We're supporting Hermione right now. Let him come to us, that way we can burn him alive here. He'll regret everything he did to Hermione." Harry whispered to Ginny.

"You-you're right." Ginny sighed and let out a frustrated sigh. "Hermione do you have an idea of who the woman was?"

"Astoria. Astoria Greengrass." Hermione said, barely audible. But, Ginny clung onto the name tightly.

"That bitch." Ginny said under her breath. "Would you like something to eat?"

"No thank you, Ginny. You guys go ahead and eat, I'll be on my way to work." Hermione said, giving them a weak smile.

"Hermione, please eat something. At least toast? Just eat something, please?" Harry begged her. He gave her the puppy dog eyes that he knew always worked.

"Oh alright. You've got to stop doing that Harry. I fall for that every single time." Hermione chuckled, feeling her mood lighten up a little bit.


  After eating breakfast at the Potter's, they made their way to work. Hermione told them that she didn't feel like appearing, so she would walk. Harry and Ginny had decided to go with her, but hermione just refused.

  "Guys, I'm fine really. I appreciate that you guys want to keep me safe, but I will be safe. I promise."

They spent about five minutes arguing, until Hermione finally let them come with her.

They spent about fifteen minutes walking and talking, until they finally got to the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione worked in The Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She was head there, so she has her own secretary, and office. Harry was head of the Auror Office. While, Ron was his right hand.

  Time to face another dreadful day at work, Hermione thought.

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