13: The Plan

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Once again, this chapter will be about what happened before the two girls got together. As always, enjoy.

"Are you ready, Riley?" The boy quizzes his sister.

"More than ever. Are you ready?"

"Yep, I practiced all night long... well until I fell asleep."

"Practiced what, Bubba?" Their father interrupts.

"Nothing!" The two blurt out, not realizing their dad was in the room.

Later as he is saying goodbye to Topanga for the morning, Cory tells her, "today feels different."

"It does," she agrees.

"Why does it feel different?" Cory asks pushing his eyebrows together.

"I don't know. I think we are just going to have to wait and see."

Cory nods.

Five of the six friends, all except for Maya, are gathered around in a circle just before History starts.

"So, do you guys want to come over to my house and hang out tonight?" Riley questions her friends.

"Sure, I mean it's Friday, so why not?" Lucas is the first one to answer, the rest all join in and agree.

"Good," the brunette smiles.

"Did you ask Maya to come, too?" Farkle curiously asks.

"No," Riley answers, not phased by his question.

"Are you going to?" Farkle investigates further, still very worried about the two girls and their friendship.

"Nope," Riley responds.


"Because," is all she says before going to take her seat. Right before she sits down she turns and adds, "oh, and make sure you come in through the front door, not my window," then continues to sit down and face the front of the class.

Just then, Maya walks in and pauses as Lucas, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle look up at the blonde. The four are visibly saddened, from what Riley had just told them, which only makes Maya look down to avoid their stares and quickly take her seat.

"Were they all just talking about me?" The blonde wonders.

"I'm didn't ask Maya to come over, because she doesn't get to choose whether or not she wants to come over. I am making her," Riley mentally answers Farkle's question from before.

"So, how was your day at school, Auggie?"

"Horrible, Mommy," the boy exaggerates after walking into their apartment, "why is growing up so hard?"

"I'm not sure, it just is. It would be fine with me if you just stopped growing up all together."

"Really, I can do that?" Auggie jumps up excitedly, as he walks over to the beginning of the hallway that leads to everyone's bedroom.

"I wish, Auggie," Topanga mumbles to herself.

As soon as Auggie gets to the entrance of the hallway, he turns himself around so that he is facing the living room and contently stands in his spot.

Topanga tends to some things out in the main room before she heads towards where Auggie is.

"Excuse me, Auggie. Can I get by you for a second?"

"No, Mommy. I'm afraid I can't let you do that," the boy explains stretching out his arms and legs so his mother can't get past him.

"Well, why not? I just need to go to my room and back. I promise I won't be too long," Topanga argues in a professional manner.

"Sorry, Mommy."

"I'm home!" A different voice yells from the front door, it's Cory's. He sees his outstretched son and asks, "what is this?"

"I have no idea, you are going to have to ask him that."

Cory goes over to Auggie and kneels down so he is at the boy's height, "Auggie, why are you like that?"

"Cause, Daddy, it's part of the plan."

"What plan is that?" Cory asks Auggie.

"A secret one."

Corey stands up, turns towards Topanga and shrugs, "I've got nothing."

"Well," Topanga starts before being interrupted by a knock at the door.

She walks over to the door and opens it to see who is there.

"Hi, Mrs. Matthew," Lucas smiles, "we came to see Riley," referring to him and the other three behind him.

"Come on in, but I don't think you will get to see her."

"What do you mean?" Zay asks.

"Ask him," she gestures towards Auggie.

Lucas walks up to Auggie, "is it okay if we go see your sister?"

"No," is all the young boy says.

"Well I tried," Lucas stands up defeated.

Everyone in the room is confused as to what is going on, when Smackle asks, "so... should we leave?"

Before anyone has anytime to answer Farkle responds, "no, we need to stay."

"Farkle, do you know what's going on?" Cory asks.

"No, but I do know that we all need to stay here."

"Well then," Topanga pauses, "everyone make yourselves at home, I guess."

They all sit across the room, no one is brave enough to speak.

After awhile Zay inputs, "these past few days sure have been pretty awkward," his voice trails off towards the end.

A few of them chuckle, but the room quickly goes back to its original, deafening, silence.

After some time foot steps come from down the hall way and everyone looks up. Riley emerges at the entrance of the hallway and whispers to her brother, "ready?"

He grins, and turns to follow his sister, before remembering to say, "nobody move while we're gone!"

Everyone turns their eyes away from the hallway the two had disappeared into. Well, everyone except for Farkle that is, who smiles after a thought goes through his head. "Finally," he exclaims to himself.

As Riley and Auggie head towards the girl's room, he stops in his tracks and asks her, "Riley, why aren't happy?"


"You don't look as happy as you should be right now."

Riley smiles at her brother's concern, "I'm just a little nervous and scared, I guess."

"Well, don't be I will be right there with you."

"Thanks, Auggie," Riley says with a boost a confidence from her brother.

"No, problem," he responds as he wraps his arms around the girl.

Riley smiles, "I've got this," and the two continue.

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