8: Gold

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Riley wakes up the next morning and starts to get ready for school. She goes out to the living room and joins the rest of her family for breakfast.

Seven o'clock comes around and Maya still hasn't shown up at Riley's apartment.

About fifteen minutes later Topanga says, "Riley, sweetie, I think you should go now."

After not saying a word all morning she lets out, "I know."

"Promise me you will try to have a good day at school, okay?" Topanga asks, kissing her daughter's forehead.

Riley smiles to let her mom know she will at the very least try.

She gets to class just before the bell rings and everyone is already there. Well, everyone except for Maya. Riley didn't expect Maya to be at school today, so without saying a word she goes and sits at her desk.

Lucas looks at Farkle to see if he knows what's going on. Farkle simply glances at his friend, puts on a fake smile, then looks back down at the desk. Lucas realizes something's wrong.

At lunch everyone sits together, but for the first few minutes the friends sit in silence.

Zay finally breaks the silence, "okay I'm going be the one that says it. This is just awkward, someone needs to talk."

They all look up from the food and glance at each other around the table.

"Riley, what happened? Where's Maya?" Lucas says taking Zay's initiative.

After a few seconds, realizing that Riley isn't going to say anything, Farkle responds, "I think Maya found herself."

"That's a good thing, right?" Zay says taking a bite into his sandwich.

Farkle looks toward Riley, as she finally says, "I don't know." He realizes that Maya told Riley her feelings towards her.

"Then, what happened?" Smackle joins in.

Farkle put his hand on Riley's arm to comfort her.

"She said she is in love with me," the brunette says quietly.

Everyone, except for Farkle, turns their eyes towards Riley in shock. Farkle begins to rub his thumb in circles to let Riley know he is there for her.

"Riley," Lucas starts, "What did you say back?"

"Nothing," Riley whimpers, "Now she thinks I hate her."

The table is quiet again, until Lucas says, "well... What are your feelings towards Maya?"

"I don't know what I feel anymore. I thought I liked you, Lucas, but I just don't know anything anymore," Riley jumps up from her seat, " I'm going to go to class now."

"Here, let me walk you there," Smackle offers and the two go off.

"You didn't tell them did you?" Farkle asks Lucas.

"I tried to, but when I went to Riley's apartment on Friday neither of them were there. I actually... kind of told their parents though."

"Why?" Zay questions.

"I don't know. They made me," Lucas says in a slightly frustrated tone.

"Actually I think that was probably for the best," Farkle comments.

After another awkward silence, Lucas asks, "What should I do now? Should I tell them my decision?"

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