F*ck Boy vs Shy Dude

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The next morning, the boys car was taken to an auto shop. They fixed the car rather quickly and before I knew it, the boys were fixing to leave. Cameron thanked my mother and I for letting them stay in our guest house. The boys piled into the car except Grayson bc he stayed out to say goodbye to me.
Grayson: "alright bye Rebekah" he said as his arms wrapped tightly around me. "You know we have a show this weekend. You should stop by."
Rebekah: "I mean I don't even have tickets" I said laughing. But Grayson looked pretty serious
Grayson: "trust me I can hook you up with some no problem. So now you don't have an excuse to not come see me"
Rebekah: I say in a playful way, "who says I would go to see you. Your brother Edward is pretty hot too!" I start giggling after.
Grayson: "ok first off it's ethan" he says laughing "and second, too?" He says smirking.
Rebekah: "ok whatever maybe see yah this weekend" I say
Grayson: "here's my  number in case you wanna catch up before or after the show" Grayson says kinda looking down and all awkward
Rebekah: "oookkkk thanks" I say also awkwardly.

I give him one last hug and say goodbye to all the boys again. As they start to drive off, Ethan winks at me through the car window.

I think to myself, both the twins are hot, but ethan is such a f*ck boy while Grayson is too shy to function. They are both sweet in their own way though. Maybe I will go meet up with my new "friends" this weekend.

I went upstairs and texted Clair and told her about my whole encounter with the boys. She was pretty pissed that I didn't tell her sooner but she got over it pretty quickly

-On Text-
Rebekah: Grayson said he could get me into the show for free so you don't have to buy tickets.


Rebekah: yeah well you wanna hang out with them while they are in Houston? We can probably meet up with them the week of Digi

Claire: BRO YES OF COURSE! Please tell me you took pictures with them!

Rebekah: Claire they are normal people 😂 but I did get Grayson's number. He said I could text him to meet up sometime or whatever


Rebekah: whatever, so yeah I'll bring you bc you obviously seem more excited them me

Claire: ummm yea you better bring me

-Jump forward 12 Days-

So it is the night before Claire and I leave to go to Digi. We are leaving Thursday because Grayson said he wanted to hang out, and that he had an extra hotel room we could stay in. Claire came over and helped me pack. She packed super skimpy crap that I don't like to wear and a butt load of makeup :/  Claire is going to drive us since she's 16 and has her license. I actually got a little excited because I mean... They boys aren't too hard on my eyes if you know what I mean.

Claire: "I can totally see you with Ethan!"

Rebekah: "really? Don't you think he's too.... Idk much for me?"

Claire: "Nah! I totally ship it bc you need to live a little and get out of your comfort zone! You know now that I think about it, I should pack that thong you have stored away just in case you wanna get a little dirty tonight" she says laughing while looking through my drawers.

Rebekah: "CLAIRE NO!" I yell "I've literally only met them once and not to mention 1/2 of the guys are over 18" I say laughing.

Claire: "hey I won't tell anyone" she says jokingly yet I'm pretty sure she was lowkey being for real.

Rebekah: "ok Claire chill, let's get some sleep. We all know you need your beauty rest."

-Next Day-

Claire and I pack up her car and start the very short 50 minute drive to downtown Houston. I never really liked going downtown just because it was too chaotic and cramped. I prefer open land and that big Texas sky. I had texted Grayson that we were on our way, and he said "can't wait" what does that even mean..

Anyways, Clair obviously dressed my this morning because I was wearing a fitted tank with some of those jean shorts with the ripped ends? She also threw my hair into a "messy bun" (even though she spend 30 minutes fixing it) she wore one of those causal dresses with mid arm sleeves, and white converse #basic.

We finally made it to the hotel and parked the car. As we were walking into the lobby, I saw Grayson walking toward us.

Grayson: "Hey Rebekah!" He said as he gave me one of his cute hugs. "Nice finally seeing you again.

Rebekah: "yea you too! Oh and this is my friend Claire"

Claire just kinda stood their starring at Grayson in awe. I nudged her and she finally introduced herself. As Grayson was introducing himself, I saw Ethan walking towards us as he was starring at me running his eyes up and down.

Ethan threw his arms around me and said "wow you are lookin hot!"

I pushed him away and told him to shut up. Grayson also gave him a quick glare. Claire also introduced herself to Ethan and they exchanged hugs. Before I knew it Cameron and Aaron came down and we said our hellos. I caught Cameron checking out Claire which was surprising since he's like 4 or 5 years older than  us.

The boys said they wanted to go out to eat, but Grayson pulled me aside and told them we would catch up in a few.

Grayson: "hey sorry about ethan. He can be a little forward sometimes"

Rebekah: "oh it's fine. It just surprised me because I'm not use to that kind of attention" I say and look down.

Grayson: "wow really? I would think that a girl as beautiful as you would have all attention on yourself" Grayson said blushing.

Rebekah: "Grayson did you just lowkey call me beautiful?" I said laughing.

Grayson: "maybe I did. Is that ok with you?"

Rebekah: "I guess. As long as you don't start falling madly in love with me I'm fine" I said in a joking way.

Grayson: "alright ma'am" he said "we should probably go catch up with the group" he said as he took my hand and lead me away.

I don't necessarily like to admit it, but I think I may have the SMALLEST crush on Grayson. He's very kind and polite and...everything I would go for. Then there was Ethan. He was defiantly hitting on me before, but he's just so out there... It would defiantly take a push in his direction to get me to start falling for him... Scratch that. It would take a huge SHOVE.

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