Chapter 5

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This i sjust a quick update, I felt in the mood for it. But I will still be updating sunday also.



“Jordan hurry yo ass up ! We already late, and I still gotta drop off Marissa at my cousin’s house !!” I yelled at the bathroom door.

This boy takes longer than me to get ready, like what type of foolery is this? It’s 10:30 that party started at 9, this is why I don’t mess with black people when it comes to going somewhere, taking all damn day like what the fuck. Out of no where I felt a tap on my leg. I look down and it was Marissa.

“TeTe Rica, can we go now?”

“If we could go we would be gone lil bit. But your “Uncle” is taking forever and 2 millenniums.” I said making sure Jordan heard me.

“Prepare to see the amazing, most handsome, and gorgeous and talented man you’ve ever seen in your life. Jordan Laune!! “Jordan said as he “pimp walked” out of the bathroom. Marissa started clapping and “woo-ing” for him as he took a couple of bows like he just performed a play.

“Okay Mr. Laune, you finally made it out of the bathroom, now can you make it to the door then if god blesses you to the car? We all ready to go.” I said as I grabbed Marissa’s book bag and my phone and keys. Marissa laughed and skipped out of the door, and then Jordan walked up to me.

“Excuse me? Can I help you Mr. Laune?” I said as he stared at me.

“You look amazing.” He bit his lip as he looked at me.

“Thanks you look aight.” I joked. But in reality I just wanted to rip off his clothes right now.

“Ugh, excuse me peasant. You should be lucky you’re breathing the same air as me.” He pushed passed me switching, with his hands up in the air.

“You are a mess.” I walked behind him laughing, as he started imitating a gay person. When I got outside to my care, Marissa was already in her seat and buckled up.

“Child did you take my keys?” She started giggling and hold them up to me when I got in. When I reached for them she pulled them back.

“Ah, ah, ah. Too slow.” I reached for them again and she pulled them back. I don’t have time for these games.

“Marissa give me my keys.” I said calmly.

“Can I drive?” She said with a serious face. I looked at the Jordan and he laughed.

“She wants to drive” He laughed.

“Ask Uncle Jordan, because I’m not driving today.” Then his eyes widened while I started laughing.

“Uncle Jordan can I drive?” She asked him with her big puppy eyes.

He looked at her for a second and sighed. “Come on lil bit.” She cheered and got in the front seat on his lap holding on to the inner part of the steering wheel. I laughed and mouthed the word punk to him. Jordan drove the car but let Marissa keep her hands on the wheel so she could feel like she’s driving until we arrived at his mom’s house.

“This is the last time she’s watching her Jordan. I don’t want her with her anymore.” I told Jordan. I dislike his mother a lot. She’s always being petty, and bringing up the fact that she likes his ex-girlfriend way more than me. Then she has these smart remarks and comments, she lucky I respect my elders and that she’s his mom, or I would’ve cursed her ass out.

“I don’t see what the problem is with my mom. Ya’ll seem mighty fine to me when you’re around each other.” He said as he got the stuff out of the car and closed the door.

“She doesn’t like me. You’re just too much of a momma’s boy to notice.” I snarled at him.

“Whatever.” We stood at the door knocking and ringing the doorbell, then I heard her say “Hold on I’m coming!” Time to be nice and embrace her bullshit.

She opened the door and instantly picked up Marissa. “Hey my lil munchkin.” She started planting kisses all over her face, with her hot breath ass.

“Grandma” Marissa whined. Then she seen Jordan. “How’s my handsome son doing?”

He smiled at that “I’m doing fine mom. I got a record deal, so my career is going to jump off.”

“That’s good, just make sure you make some time for momma.” She pinched his cheeks, with her witch hand ass.

“Where’s that girlfriend of yours?” She asked. “What’s her name? Rico? Rasta? Romper?” I know this bitch did not call me a Romper.

I stepped from behind him, “Actually it’s Rica.” I put on my fake smile so she wouldn’t notice the attitude behind it. Her smile instantly faded and she looked at me with disgust.

“Oh. Well it doesn’t really matter. I was close.” She said with a shrug. “Sabrina didn’t correct me on her name.” She smirked. This bitch.

“Okay, well here’s the bag with Marissa’s clothes and her toys. We’ll be back tomorrow morning to pick her up.” Jordan interrupted the moment and handed her the duffel bag. I started to walk off then I heard her say “Actually you’ll be back to pick Marissa up, I don’t like having this hussy in my presence. She’s not worthy enough to breathe my air.” I turned back around and started walking over there.

“What was that you said? I didn’t seem to hear you Jane.” I questioned her.

“Baby, it was nothing just go-“                                                 

“Ah, shut the hell up.” I said.

She looked at him then looked at me. “I said I you’re not worthy to breathe my air. I don’t like having you in my presence.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head. “Actually Jane, I appreciate it if you’d shut the fuck up with all these rude ass, unnecessary ass comments about me behind my damn back. I’m not worthy to breathe your air? How the fuck do you sound? Don’t answer that. I’ll answer it for you. You sound dumb as hell. Ya hot ass, stanky ass breath be polluting the air anyway. You don’t like me? I don’t like your ass either. You a grown ass woman acting like you ten. You need to get your life. You don’t have to worry about me coming over here being in your “presence” and breathing up your “air” because the next time I bring my ass over here I’ll be leaving in handcuffs.” I got in her face and watched her step back and gasp. “Now say another fucking comment.” I turned around and walked to the car.

“You’re gonna let her talk to your mother like that Jordan? I raised you better than that.”

“Actually ma, you kind of deserved it. You’re too grown to be acting like this.” He shrugged as he walked off.


“Love you too mom.” I mumbled under my breath as Jordan drove off.

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