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-Hanuel's Pov-

After the school ended,I cleared my desk and walked out of the classroom thinking about him.He was really charming as I looked into his sharp eyes I can see pain and hurt.His eyes caught my heart.It skipped a beat and the butterflies flew in my stomach when I saw him.His deep and raspy voice remind me of my ex-boyfriend.

Does it mean love at the first sight?

As I stepped out of the school,the blue sky clouded over abruptly.

The strong wind howled towards the building.The rain poured heavily and became raining cats and dogs.

The water splashed onto my outfit.So now I had to find the other way to go home.

I decided to run until I reached the bus stop.

I turned my head upward.An umbrella?The flash of light make the figure blurry and hard to see the vision clearly,he held the umbrella for me and smirk.


He grabbed my arms and pulled me into his warm chest.He's so tall and broad-chested.

In silent acquiescence,he put his chin on my head and murmured,"I know you need this shade .. let's share.."


I gulped slowly.His so near like nothing can separate us.

"Sure,I don't mind to 'share' "I said.

We walked together with my hands held onto his arms so the rain water wouldn't splash towards me.

We are so near..

He looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face.I slowly a bit distracted when he gazed at me.

My heart was thumping so fast that I only can hear.Does he hear too?

Does I too obvious to like him?but we only meet awhile ago.

"So where are you going?"He started the conversation to avoid awkward situation."Bus stop"I simply stated as we continued walking.

Am I dreaming?Walking with the charming guy and share an umbrella during raining day.He is my tablemate too.

All this things happen in one single day like a drama.

"Well,Thank You..Wonwoo"I blushed.That words utter perfectly from my mouth without a word stuck inside my throat.

"Urm Hanuel.."He called."Yeah"I answered and turned my head back."See you tomorrow"He said like a gentleman.

"You too"I said and smiled cheekily.

There's the butterflies again.Urgh stop it please.

I walked into the bus and slid into the the nearest seat.The rain seems gonna to stop.

The water droplet slid on the cold surface of the bus's window.

As I playing with my thoughts,someone held my shoulder and sat beside me.I closed my eyes and saw his gorgeous smile reflected back to me in my dreams.Wonwoo,urgh again.

"Annyeong"Someone greeted,as I awoke from thoughts.

"Annyeong"I smiled warmly.

"My name is Mingyu,your classmate."He said."Goodluck with Wonwoo.He is nice right.Even sometimes he is cold hearted."He continued and plugged in his earphone.

I just nodded and the vision vanished like a puff of smoke.I slept smiling

-Wonwoo's Pov-

Me?Sharing the umbrella with the girl I just met.Does it called love at the first sight?

A/N:Too fast right?But I wanna make this story as short as possible.Please leave some comments and votes.

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