How to make easy money

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Ok. I'm back and I wanted to do this chapter on how to make easy money because we need money. This was supposed to be done before summer but here it is.

1. Babysit. I know this is probably the most recommend thing but getting paid $10-$20(of your a different currency just change the sign) per hour and if you do 4 hours(a day)that's $40-$80 . My sister babysits children that belong to someone who owns a restaurant and she gets a free dinner to

2. Babysit someone pet. If someone goes on holiday they can't bring there pet with them. So offer to mind it. Also check with your parents of its ok first.

3. Become a mommy's helper. Help out around a house where there is 2 or more kids. So the mother can clean, cook etc. while you mind the kids

4. Sell old clothes/ things. Thift/second hand store are always looking for old things. You can also sell your things to your friends or post an ad on Facebook or Twitter. There is also many apps/websites where you can wake your things

5. Walk dogs. Loads of people have dogs so ask can you walk them. Just don't take fifty dogs in one walk.

6. Do online surveys. This is another great way to get money fast. You won't get much but the surveys only take 5 mins max. Opinion outpost is great for this. They give gift cards as well as money

7. Help elderly people. You can do there shopping, clean their house, cook for them etc.

8. Teach older people how to use a computer electronic. Older people can sometimes need help with electronics and you can help.

9. Sell some of your DIYs. Carousel is a good place to start because it uses people from your surround areas/in your state so you don't need to pay that much for posting

10. Do someones make up/hair. If your good at doing make up or hair you can charge people less than salon's to do their make up or hair.

11. Take someone's pictures. People will pay to get pictures taken for special events . All you need is a good camera.

12. Clean someone's garden. You can mow someone's lawn, plant flowers etc.

13. Do chores. Make a deal with your parents to pay you to do chores.

14. Collect change. Look around your house for change your bound to get money also save your change. Every penny counts.

15. Make cookies,cakes etc. Of you live on a neighbourhood/town, bake some treats and kid a will be I knocking on your door.

16. Wash someone's car. People will pay to wash their car but make sure you have the right equipment

17. Become a tutor. If your really good at something help someone who isnt

18. Get your money back when shopping online. Use the website ebate to save a ton

19. House sit. People are gong on vacations this summer so mind there house while there gone.

20. Work at a camp.I know you would have had to do this sooner but you can get paid

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment of you guys use any of these and if any work. Also comment if you have other ways ie ones I haven't mentioned so others can use them. Vote for more chapters.

Also, thank you guys for everything. I mean I got 1.1k reads. Like WTF I can't thank you guys enough.

I'll post more chapters soon. Leave a suggestion for a chapter. Also let's get this chapter to 50 votes to celebrate 1.1k

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