Philippians 4:8

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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think of these things. Philippians 4:8 KJV

I don't really know why I choose this verse but I think it's an awesome verse. Sorry I haven't updated, I had been busy with school and then the summer and I just completely forgot about all my books. Just a reminder over the summer that your attitude at church and your attitude the rest of the week be the same because if you act one way at church and act different the rest of the week, people won't want to be a Christian and people will maybe even not like Christians because you acted so differently and they would have nothing to do with that. This verse also relates to the election coming up. Think through (if you are old enough to vote) about your choices and pray about who you want your next leader to be. I encourage you to do some research. I honestly don't like either of the candidates for my own reasons, but i would do some research and even if you aren't old enough to vote, still do some research because then if people ask you, you already know about all of it and can persuade people to go with the more godly choice. Also, this verse has to do with a bunch of other stuff on the news. Do some research with those things as well. Thinking about those things will become your words, which then becomes your actions, which then becomes habit, which then becomes your character and then you can help people and that can bring more people to Christ. Thank you guys for being so patient, tomorrow i will try to update and try and get into that habit, but I am going to the beach for a week so I'm not sure how much ill update during that week. Thanks for reading! God bless you!

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