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From: Ella👼🏼
you could've told me you had a thing with Hunter. it's whatever. he actually made me think that me and him had a chance.

I sighed and showed Hunter the text.

"I-I didn't mean to make her feel that way" he said feeling guilty.

"it's okay, she takes things the wrong way sometimes. we can talk to her about it later"

the next was from my mom

From: Mom🙎🏼
be home in 5, BIG news!

"my mom said she'll be here in a few minutes with big news!" I waved my hands around pretending to be happy.

"oh well um, speaking of big news..." he started.

"there's something I have to tell you" he said sounding a little nervous. I think he's going to do me out

oh please ask me out

"I don't know how to say this. um, im leaving for tour... tomorrow. I'll be gone for 2 weeks and then I'll be back for 5 days and then leave for another 2 weeks and that's kinda how it goes for the next few months" Hunter scratched my back of his neck. my heart dropped. I just nodded my head.

"well are you going to say anything?" he was confused at me not reacting.

I shook my head 'no'


I shrugged.

"this is why I don't let myself become used to people's, like yours, presence"

"what do you mean people like me?" he stood up.

"people like you, the amazing ones. the ones that don't last long because they're too good to be true" I replied looking down. I didn't want to look up because he'd see the tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.

"rora I'll be ba-"

"for five days every 2 weeks!" I yelled standing up. he now saw my tear stained face.

all he did was press his lips against mine. I quickly backed away.

I stood there staring at the ground.

"I don't know what you want me to do?! you give me these mixed signals. you tell me
to go, then stop, then go, then stop. i don't know what to do anymore" he said, sounding as if he was giving up.

I heard my front door open. I quickly wiped away my tears and ran downstairs.

"hunny! are you ready for the news?!" she smiled. I nodded my head with a smile.

"so Bart bordelon called, and we talked for about an hour. I told him I'd check with you first, but do you want to be apart of the magcon-"

"YES! TELL HIM YES!" i screamed. she laughed and hugged me.

"he mentioned some of the people going and Hunter and Brandon are going! I thought that was so cool. you and the boy you li-"

"he's upstairs so let's not talk about that. but yeah yeah so cool!"

"okay well start packing you leave at 3:00am with Hunter and Brandon. you're all on the same flight so go go go!" she exclaimed pushing me up the stairs.

I walked into my room and Hunter had his heads in his hands. I sat next to him and he picked his head up and looked at me.

"I don't think we should-"

"im going to be on-"

we said at the same time.

"im sorry, say what you were saying" I laughed a little.

"Aurora I don't think we should be anything more than friends" he spoke softly. my smiled quickly faded.

"oh um. okay" i fake laughed a little.

"I'm sorry it's just that-"

"no it's fine. you don't need to apologize"

"what were you saying?" he asked.

"nothing important." I smiled.

"alright well, I think I'm gonna get going" he said standing up.

"I'll see you um- another time" he said leaving. once I heard the front door close I broke down into tears.

I said I wouldn't let this happen I again

why did I let it happen again

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