Part 2

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A/N: There are some insinuations of mature language in the chapter. None are used, only implied! Sorry it's long again oops xoxo

I spent the entire weekend with Kieran going through the script and songs. We still didn't know the male lead since, you know, the only time our 'peers' speak to us is when they're basically bullying us.

The play this year was Aladdin. This meant that I already knew most (all) of Princess Jasmine's lines anyway; and every word to the songs so I guess you could say it was going well for me.

That's another example of something my 'peers' use to deem me unworthy of the social grading of even an outcast in the school: my taste in movies/music. I'm a massive Disney fan. I still watch normal movies and stuff but I literally own every Disney film ever made. I don't like the generic, one-line-repeated-over-and-over pop songs of which many from this decade are; instead I listen to the old stuff: 90s, 80s, 2000s, some others here and there and I enjoy listening to music scores. Nothing tugs at your heartstrings more than a collective orchestra. It's just beautiful. So, yeah, weird I know but still I can safely say myself and my friends are not fake.

A knock on my door brought me out of my dwellings.

"I'm not getting up to open it," I called to whoever was behind the door. I hoped it was Kieran. The door opened to reveal that it was in fact Kieran. That could've been embarrassing if not, not to mention rude. Who else would it have been, really, though? It's not as though I get many visitors.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" He perched at the foot of my bed.

"Like I could sleep for a hundred years like sleeping beauty. Hey! Who would my knight and my true love be?" Kieran gave me a look with a raised eyebrow. "Fine. Ugh. The only thing I feel in my arm right now is pain. I have medication but when you've had three very differently sized needles inserted into your arm it's hard to ignore all of them." He gave me a sad smile.

"Want me to kiss them better?" Just his cheeky grin made me feel slightly better.

"If you want but they don't have plasters on yet so can you, you know...put a plaster on them and then kiss them?" Saves me the job of doing it one-handed.

"Sure," he stood up from the bed and made his way into my bathroom. I heard the mirror of the medicine cabinet open and close as he presumably retrieved the box of plasters the Lord knew was in there. Gotta keep a full stock just in case! "So, point each wound out, milady."

I lifted my left arm up from underneath the duvet to hover only a few millimetres above the sheets; it wouldn't go any higher. Pointing to the taped-on cotton balls on the back of my hand, inside of my elbow and top of my upper-arm near my shoulder, I did as Kieran requested though they were easy enough to see with the naked eye.

Before Kieran started, he took my hand gently by the fingers and asked, "Do you know what any of them were for? Not the tests! I mean, like, surely you'd know what they were doing to you – putting in you."

I nodded my head once, "That one was to put me to sleep"-I pointed to my hand-"that one was a blood test"-I pointed to my elbow-"and that one...I'm not too sure what that one was. They injected me with something." Yeah, and I vomited an hour later.

"Why did they put you to sleep?"

"It was more a sedative so I didn't know or see what they were testing for since I'd asked not to find out. It made my head a little fuzzy for about two hours. I wasn't necessarily asleep, just unconscious. I could open my eyes but the shapes and sounds around me didn't compute to anything coherent. I was basically a vegetable for a little while."

Kieran's mouth tipped up slightly at my comment. "OK," and with that he started putting the plasters on and kissing my boo-boos. Except he did it in reverse order; he kissed them first before putting the plaster on. I smirked at him. How chivalrous.

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