Part 3

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I was dreaming. I knew I was because this was a memory. But why did it have to be this memory? Just because of rehearsal the other day?

"Go over to him!" my 'friends' urged, shoving me none too gently in Thomas's direction.

As usual he was playing football with his friends on the pitch. I could tell you exactly the time and date if I wanted to but I don't want to so I'm not going to. I'm going to try and wake myself up.

He did a funny run up to the ball, mocking one of his friends, and booted it all the way down the field. Then, as if sensing me there, he turned around and smiled genuinely at me. When I noticed that he started walking towards me I felt my feet shuffling forward too.

The girls behind me giggled.

Stop it! Don't do that! I tried to stop my dream-self from doing what she was going to do next.

Wrapping my arm around his waist, he did the same to me. "Hey, what's up?" My lips stretched in a small smile as I looked up at him, even back then he was taller than me, which wasn't hard but he used to be tiny. It added to his cuteness.

Stop this! Stop it now!

"I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into this," he whispered to me totally understanding what was going on without me needing to say anything. That was why I fell in love with him; he understood when no one else did – not even my childhood best friend.

Please...just stop...not both of them in one dream. I might be able to handle Thomas but not – just stop thinking about the other one.

"I don't, I just wish they weren't looking. This is private, you know?" I glanced over his shoulder to the group of girls I'd just left. Imogen was front and centre. They were all whispering and giggling until they noticed me look back.





Thomas rolled his eyes at them but didn't look at them; he only had eyes for me then. Or so I thought. I smiled when our eyes connected. As if on a cue, we both moved our head closer to eachother. The butterflies in my stomach were on heroin. My eyes closed a millisecond before impact. The fireworks in my head were on caffeine.

It only lasted a couple of seconds because my 'friends' behind Thomas squealed. I hugged him quickly before we were bombarded. He was able to slip away.

I heard one of his friend shout out "FRIGID" but ignored it. I got that a lot from them.

"How was it?"

"You two are so cute!"

"You're totally in love!"


I answered with an, "Oh my God! Shut up!" I could feel how red my cheeks were. They were radiating heat hotter than the sun. They just laughed at me.

It wasn't my first kiss ever but it was definitely my first kiss that felt like that.


I woke up breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. I only just made it to the toilet in time before my insides decided they wanted to venture to the outside world. I sent them all down the drain pipes and into the sewage – what they deserved.

After some extensive testing yesterday, I'd slept the whole day away. Apparently, it was now 6:05am, Friday 19th December. At least I got a full night sleep.

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