Chapter 29

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The last 9 days were full on practice I had thought the girls the routine and we are spot on with all the dances. Me and Justin have barely spoken at all over the last week, Just mainly when the ''Somebody to love'' dance, he has been really busy with rehearing and Interviews. I heard him an Kiwi kind of had a thing but I just ignored it, never believe Rumours. Yesterday we got out at 1 so we could get everything ready. I went out for a girl's day with Mam Bella and Frankie and Cam I Probably won't see then till December that Like 6 Month away. I won't be here for when Greg Baby is born which I am bummed big time about, but you never know what could happen in them 6 months. I spoke to Becky and Sophie their Interviews went well and they are pretty chuffed about how it working out which I am trilled for them they always support me and it's my turn to do so.

''Hey Skylar Hun you excited?'' Aunt Cam asked walking into my room and sitting on the end of the bed.

''Yeah can't wait going to miss everyone though.'' I signed tuning my Laptop off and placing it on the locker.

''We will miss you to but you can I chat us and everything.'' I nodded.

''Yeah I know, Sure I'm used to being apart from everyone so it shouldn't be too bad.'' I said sitting up looking at the clock 8 O clock.

''So what Time do you guys have to be at the buses at?'' she asked looking through a magazine.

''We have to be there by 10:30 so I'm going to shower now then Chill out with you guys till then.'' I said getting up.

''OK Hun I'll see you downstairs.'' She said taking the magazine and walking out. I got a 30 minute shower, shaving and doing all of that, I got out and dried off then I got changed into my outfit (pic on side) and let my hair loose and I went over everything I need.


Suit cases –4large cases, Clothes, shoes, Sunglasses, Handbags, Dancing Clothes, I pod/Charger Docking Station, accessories/hair, Camera, Laptop and charger/ for phone, Watches, Belts, Sneakers.

Purple Hand case in big purple case – Make up, Facial Products, Razors, Nail Varnish, perfume, Body Spray.

In Pink Hand case Suitcase in big Blue suitcase for bus - Toothbrushes With Toothpaste – 6 Skin Cleanser , Moisturiser 2 bottles , Tampax 4, Hair Brush Set, Hair Products , Shampoo & Conditioner 5 bottles Shower gel 4 bottles, towels 3 big one 2 small , Razors , Swimwear ,

Sheets for tour bus – 2 different sets

Wireless internet - for laptop

My Blanket and 2 Pillows

Box OF pop Noodle up-to date till 2011

Cereal – coco Pops, frosties

Candy -loads update 2011



I closed up my suitcase just in time for my dad to come in

''Fucking hell Sky, are them 4 huge suitcases needed?'' he asked looking at them shocked.

''Yeah of course my life in there, you might need Dylan and Greg to help you ya might pull your hip. '' I smirked and he punched my arm playfully and rolled his eyes. I walked out of my room and check myself in the mirror at the end of the hall way '' I look hot '' I walked downstairs and saw Dylan and Greg.

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