Chapter 38

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''Skylar.''I heard somebody shout I groaned and buried my head in the pillow its too good damn early I covered my eyes I could still hear the knocking.





I pulled the covers off me and got up still closed eyes,Ye I'm a natural I made it to the door without walking into anything.

''Who is it?'' I asked in a groggy voice.

''Your sexy amazing handsome loveable boyfriend.'' I heard Justin I sighed

''Taylor what are you doing here?'' I smirked and opened the door.

''Oh hey Justin it's just you.'' I said and walked back into the room and under the covers again. I heard the door locked and heard footstep coming closer I felt the bed go down on the other side I popped my head out to see a grinning Justin I pulled the blankets over my head, I felt him get off the bed oh please leave I want sleep the blankets where pulled off me I opened one eye and seen Justin with a cheeky smile on his face.

''You know even in the morning cranky and bed hair you're still stunning.'' I moved my hand I poked his face.

''What are you doing?'' he chuckled

''Looking for a mute button.'' I whispered he laughed softly.

''Way to hurt a guys feeling.'' I could tell he was pouting.

''Hmm.'' I mumble I could feel myself going back to sleep I don't no why I'm so tired, he started stroking my leg.

''Babe you need to get up were like checking out in 15 minutes.'' he said softly I shoot up out of the bed causing me to fall on the floor.

''owww'' I whined I looked at Justin who was clutching his stomach laughing.

''What are you laughing at?'' I asked standing up rubbing my arse he laughed harder.

''Ugh fuck off dick head.'' I said annoyed and walked into the bottom and locked the door , fucking dick laughing at me, ugh I am so not a morning person then he like laid down for 15 minutes then he decided to tell me 15 minutes later were checking out. I ran the shower I striped down and hopped in. I had to have a quick one since I had like 10 minutes to wash and change, I rinsed my hair and got out and wrapped a towel around me I brushed my teeth and headed back into the room I looked up and no Justin I sighed he is pissed at me I noticed a piece of paper on the bed.


It's only 9am we don't check out till 12

Sorry wanted to bring you for breakfast

forget it now


Yeah he is pissed I plugged my hair dryer in and blow-dried it straight then but it into a bun with curls coming out of it. I grabbed my clothes I brought from the bus I put my underwear on and got dressed (pic on side) I checked my self out in the mirror, I love love love this dress on me it shows my figure perfect and me arse looks great. I gather all my things and put them in the carry bag I check the time 10:03am I grabbed my phone and key card and headed down to Shane And Joe room I knocked on the door and waited for them to open up.

''You're up early S we don't leave till 12.'' Shane said I smiled.

''Yeah I know I got an early wake up call can you watch this bag for me while I go get break fast?'' I asked him he took my bags off me.

A change of life (Justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now