Chapter 39

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the white room I was in, there was bodies all around it on the floors and chairs sleeping with blankets and pillows. It's been 6 days and she is still in a coma, last night she took a turn for the worst the bleeding on her brain turned from nothing serious to a big fucking problem. Over the damages to her brain she wasn't getting enough oxygen and her machine were going off like crazy they had to operate and try stop the bleeding she is in surgery the past 7 hours. I got up and walked out of the waiting room and walked to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror my eyes were so red and had bags under my eyes, I had like probably had like 10 hours sleep since it happened any time I close my eyes I see that image of her bleeding to death, I washed my hands and face and headed back out to the waiting room , I noticed there was only my male dancers well Tyler Luke and Cal and dean I fired Trev. The rest were sleeping the telly was on and Skylar came up on E News.

Breaking news

It has been reported that Hip Hop star Skylar Smith as not woken from the coma she has been put in after being stabbed twice last Thursday on her tour bus being found by her boyfriend. There have been no word if the person who done it has been found. Last night she took a turn for the worst we received form her teen sensation boyfriend Justin Bieber's tweet

@JustinBieber : Last night She took a turn for the worst, Sky still in surgery 5 hours now, please wake up babe :( #PrayforSkylar

He has not left her side since the tragic. It has also been reported the two have been dating for 6 weeks.

Bieber has cancelled his tour for further notice, our prays and thoughts are with Skylar and her Family And the crew, everyone keep her in your prayers, we love you Skylar.

''You alright mate?'' Dean asked looking at the telly then to me I nodded they all came back here last night when they found out, I haven't broken my promise I haven't left her only to us a shower and the toilet in her room I signed and sat back the doors swung out and the doctor walked in in his blue gear I shook her dad's arm he woke up.

''Well?'' he jumped up everyone woke up and sat up.

''We lost her during surgery.'' Every gasped and cried but he continued ''but we eventually brought her back we had stop the bleeding on the brain the swelling ain't as bad as it was 6 days ago so that's one good thing, we have her on a strong medication for the healing of the brain. '' he finished.

''So what does that mean is she going to wake up?'' her mom asked.

''Mrs Smith I'm afraid I can't say, we're waiting for her to wake up she has lost a lot of blood and her body has shut down but now she is still in the coma. I'm afraid that if there is no progress within the next 4 days we will have to turn the machine off.'' he sad sadly I felt my legs giving up I fell to the floor and everything when black.


I'm in complete blackness the pain in my body is so unbelievably uncontrollable I could here muffled voices and sniffing, I can barely make out what it was I tried to concentrate on it but my head was pounding. I tried to open my eyes but there were like glued I don't remember what happen I could feel myself starting to panic before I knew it I was out.

''Skylar please wake up please I can't lose you, you mean everything to me baby I love you so much what happened to us being together forever growing old having kids, seeing our grandchildren growing up, babygirl you can't give up please they said if your not awake in 4 days there turning the machine off, Skylar I know your strong enough to get through this please fight p-please. '' Justin cried I'm lying here listen to him for the past hour telling me stories and crying its literally killing me inside listening to him, I never heard him so torn up and I fucking hate that's its because of me he is like this. I don't want to die I can't I need to open my eyes or do something I tried but its was to hard

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