#1.: Troye Fucking Sivan ;)
#2.: A human, maybe a alien or a plant.
#3.: Barney daddypariel
#4.: Single.
#5.: @noone
#6.: @noone
#9.: full of boredom
#10.: Barney Purple
#11.: I don't give a shit about anyone's opinion
#12.: my pms being dry af
#13.: I don't give hugs
#14.: daddypariel Barney's song is sad af
#15.: DamnPia
#16.: from my horse saying it needs to shit.
#17.: fanofbieber1
#18.: my parents -.-
#19.: fanofbieber1 we hang out every Saturday in hell
#20.: me , duhh
#21.: One Dance by Drakee -lilydoll you see what I did there?
#22.: -.-
#23.: ;-;
#24.: Me, myself & I and my horse (if I have one -.-)
#26.: I like sarcasm
#27.: Bullshit
#28.: Bill Nye the Science Guy
My horse
fanofbieber1 you can keep #24 blank, no worries.