Save me mate

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Reagan's POV

"Stop lying to me!!" My aunt Linda yelled," I know you can't get bruises this bad from falling off your bike!!" 

This is the fifth time my aunt has accidentally seen my bruises, and I  only see her about once  every three months. I just can't tell her though, she would be so disappointed that I let this happen..

"I'm not lying, Aunt Linda.." I sighed heavily.

"A-are they hurting you sweetie?" She whispered as if they could hear. 

"I-I should g-go.." I faked a smile, and heading for the door,"Bye." 

Before she could say anything I shut the door, and ran deep into the forest close by, I shifted into my snow white wolf, and sprinted all the way home to the pack house, which in human form is 8 hours away, but in wolf form, it only takes about an hour.. No one knows I visit my at least she's safe. 

    I got back, and into mine, and my sisters room without being seen. I crawled up next to Skylar, and looked at her sleeping form, she had no bruises, no scars, flawless skin, they hadn't laid a finger on her. I smiled knowing they where still keeping up there side of the deal. I feel myself remember the promise I made to my parents before they fought those rouges, and that was to protect Sky, and I said I would protect her with my life.. I promised, and I intend to keep that promise. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep. 


I woke us up early so I could make the alpha's breakfast. I hurried downstairs, and got to cooking. Not much later the Alpha Peter came in, looking pissed as hell, yay me. I quickly handed him his breakfast.

"This better be good you bitch." he muttered, taking a bite, then spitting it out, " this is discussing!!"

He stood up, and marched over to me. he gave me one good punch to the stomach, then left me there trying to catch my breath. That's gonna leave a nasty bruise... 


The first day of school, and I late as hell!! I even woke up early, they really shouldn't start school so late in the week anyway. I ran into the school, and into my class room, it was dead silent in there...everyone turned to look at me as I made my way towards the back to sit by my best friend, Emily. 

Emily has blonde hair that reaches a bit past her shoulders, and grey green eyes, she is beautiful. 

"Hey, where have you been?!" She whisper yelled at me. 

"I was running a little behind, sorry." I lamely apologized. 

"You are always running late.." She muttered. 

"You know me too well." I sighed, relaxing in my chair. 

"Well you are here now, so lets catch up." She smiled, " After all I havn't seen you all summer, stupid wolf training.."

Emily is a wolf too, but she isn't in the same pack as me, her pack is the strongest in the world, The Falls Pack. My pack is really small, and the only reason we live here is because Alpha Peter made 'friends' with Emily's Alpha, so we live on there territory.

Save me mateWhere stories live. Discover now