Chapter Five: Gohan

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This little bitch is gonna give me a headache -.-

Goku woke up from a heavy dream, he felt that he was falling from a cliff and crashing against water, slowly sinking down watching the bubbles float up to the surface, with a sigh in relief he got off bed and stretched his body feeling his bones pop and his muscles relax.

"I'm hungry." He said as he patted his stomach

It was Saturday morning, for most people it would be a day to stay in bed and relax but for him it wasn't so good, he had to help his mother do chores and then take Kitty to her dance lesson...oorah.

He went downstairs, seeing his mother over at the stove making breakfast, his father sipped his coffee and read today's newspaper while Kitty...was painting her nails....seriously? Ugh. He sat down at sipped some orange juice.

"Kakarot you know what today is?" Bardock asked


"Today Gohan will visit us!" Kitty squealed


"What was that?" Gine said as she sat down "I told you Kaka...use protection, you brought this upon yourself!" she stuffed her face with food

"I regret not using a condom...I wouldn't have to deal with him." Goku said harshly as he ate his bacon.

"You only see him once every week stop whining about it."

Goku rolled his eyes, he wasn't in the mood to support his family's comments about his son and ex-girlfriend.


Goku watches as a car pulls over and the door opens he smiles when his small copy jumps off the car and quickly runs towards him

"Daddy!" Gohan calls out before wrapping himself around his father's leg

"Hey kiddo." He smiles and pats Gohan's head

"Goku help me dammit!" said a certain bitch we all know.

"Chichi...don't yell at me and what the fuck is that?!"

"His science project hurry before it falls!"

Goku goes to his ex-girlfriend and helps her with the project about the stupid planets, why do teachers torture their students in making a damn project when they could just puts your nose inside a book and say "hey stupid, this is called earth and the next planet yeah that bitch is called mars!"

Homework on Saturday, Chichi really? Goku growled in his mind.

50 rules later and Goku was waving goodbye to Chichi while holding Gohan in his arm.

Inside Kitty's dancing studio Goku sat on the ground next to his son and watched the girls twirl around and stand on their tip toes, Gohan seemed to be enjoying it because he was dancing along with the ballet music.

Goku and Kitty walked out the dancing studio with a crying Gohan

"Well I gotta go now, bye Goku bye Gohan!" Kitty says as she runs away to catch up with her friends

"Kitty wait!!" Goku growls "bitch....GOHAN STOP CRYING!!"

Gohan whimpers and cries louder making the passing people turn towards then with questioning and angry faces thinking Goku had spanked the kid.

"Big meanie!" Gohan lets go of his father's hand and runs away crying.

"Gohan, no! Come back!"

The small crying kid quickly disappears between the people, Goku runs into one street and other looking desperately for his kid but nothing, the brat is nowhere around and it was getting dark, but Goku couldn't just go home! It was dangerous and Chichi and his parents would kill him!


Goku quickly turns around all worry inside him slowly floats away along with his thoughts

Vegeta stood there in front of him, wearing a black hoodie, tight spandex that hugged his legs, his eyes stood out more and his skin looked paler than before, though his left eyes is what gave Goku another thing to worry about...he had a dark bruise under it

"Vegeta." He whispered

The sky rumbles before it starts to rain softly over them, as the people ran to find shelter or opened their umbrella to cover themselves from the rain, Goku and Vegeta stood there looking at each other deeply, exchanging words through their eyes.

"Don't worry about it....what are you doing here?" Vegeta asked with a care free smile

"I...I lost my son."

Vegeta burst out in hoarse laughter making Goku's heart cringe, Vegeta smiled and slowly walked towards him with a sway of his hips hypnotizing Goku completely, Goku bit his bottom lip holding in his lust for the rare beauty. What was he doing again?

Vegeta wrapped his arms around Goku's neck and pulled him close to his lips, Goku felt weak and his hands were shaking, he gasped when Vegeta licked the water off his cheek and purred in his ear.

"I'll help you look for him." Vegeta said as he pulled away from a dazed Goku

Goku watches Vegeta pull out his phone and listens to him talk to Toma and then to Nappa and Broly.

It was dark and the night was freezing, inside a car a crying Gohan hits the window with his hands trying to get out and calling his father

"This little son of a bitch is driving me crazy!" Broly tugged his hair

"Maybe he wants a cookie?"

"Nappa don't even think about it!" Toma laughed while hitting the window "shut up!"

Gohan falls on the seat, he whimpers and cries again giving the three males a headache

"Ve-ve-geta geta! Ge-ge-ge-ge-geta! Ve-ve-geta geta! Ghos-!"

"Shut up Nappa!" Vegeta said annoyed and punched the male in the gut.

Toma opens the door and Gohan jumps into his father's arms crying as loud as he can, Goku sighs in relief and thanks the guys for saving his ass and finding his son.

Toma was forced to give Goku a ride home, once Goku stepped off he slammed his foot on the accelerator

Goku blinked confused "thanks?" he sighs and goes towards the his house? He pulls out his keys and before he can unlock the door it swings open revealing a pissed of Bardock.

"Young man! Your ass is grounded!"


Meh it was boring .-.

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