Chapter Seventeen: Out of Control

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You killed killed killed her...YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER!!!

Vegeta held his breath and sunk his head into the tub, keeping his eyes wide open he stared at his nude legs, why did he feel guilty? Was it maybe because they just buried the bitch without even telling the police about this accident? Why did he care? Those damn voices kept accusing him of killing Jane, he didn't do it, they would say he did, that he wished to get rid of her...but not like this, he never planned on Jane dying, he just wanted to scare the bitch.

He dug his nails in his legs and screamed as hard as he could, the water bubbled on the surface, muffled screams, a thin hand reaching for a shining new addiction, a sharp increasing pain as the razor sunk deeply into his flesh, red droplets fell inking the water where he sat.

If you cut your veins horizontally your just a dumbass trying to call for attention, if you truly want to die you cut them bleed faster and there is no opportunity to be saved.

Pain can be cured with another type of pain, a pain stronger than the first so it can make you forget why you were hurting in the first place and now had to focus on the new pain you were feeling, now you have to find a pain even stronger to surpass that one, you go on and on and on, in agony until you finally stop breathing. The only pain that can cure anything.

"A none stop cycle..." Vegeta whispered to himself.

Goku listened to Toma, the plan to escape had to be tomorrow night, they had to be fast and careful, he mentioned knowing a man who could help them get into Canada without a problem, once in Canada he was going to ask Vegeta to join him to rehab, he didn't want to be a junkie for the rest of his life and he didn't want to someday get an overdose and die, so he had to save himself and Vegeta while they were still young and rational.

After that, they were going to move somewhere around Europe, he was going to ask Vegeta to marry him and then God knows what amazing things they would do together, having him right next to him was an amazing feeling, having him as his lifetime partner would be a thrill. Both moved into Vegeta's bedroom for the night, they sat on the bed under a red light, Goku couldn't tear himself away from chilling blue eyes.

"Vegeta, tomorrow we start a new life together...just the two of us."

"Karo...we've been through so much." Vegeta smiles and licks his dry lips, squeezing Goku's thighs.

"Yeah we have, that's why we can't be away, you know that I love you right, no matter what." Goku said as he kissed Vegeta's face.

"I know...Karo, I love you...I love you so much."

That was the first time Vegeta confessed about his feelings, Goku didn't need to hear him to know how he felt, but he couldn't hold back his tears, the worry of Jane's death vanished, he spent the night in Vegeta's arms, Goku talking non stop about their future together, while the younger boy ran his fingers through his hair.

Goku could actually sleep after so long, dreaming about a good future, he was standing in the middle of a field, paper flowers, all rustling as the wind made them touch each other, he walked feeling the soft petals through his fingers, the sun setting over the hills inking the sky with a pink, orange and purple color, in the middle of the endless field an oak tree stood in mighty glory, there was someone waiting for him under the cool shade of the tree, he knew who it was, happily he reached the tree and got down to his knees, gently he poked a sleeping Vegeta's face, the boy smiles and opens beautiful blue eyes...

"What took you so long, Karo?"

Vegeta stared at him while he was in peace, he gently managed to slide off the bed without the other noticing, he kissed Goku's forehead and headed out the door with a piece of paper and a pen in his hand.

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