the diner | lucaya

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A/N: Italics represent when the characters are thinking.


"There she is. Maya. Its okay, just be cool, you see her here every Saturday; today is no different."

Lucas had fallen for the waitress since the first time he saw her. It was a particularly busy morning for him, that Saturday back in November. He just wanted to order his breakfast and be on his way. When he set the menu down and looked up to order, he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He was completely blown away by her beauty.

It was now June, he had been back to the diner every Saturday since, and she had always served him Breakfast.

"Just do it man! You've waited long enough. Ask her out!"

No matter how confident he felt when he walked in, as soon as he saw her his heart would race, his cheeks would go pink, and his hands would go clammy.

"Dammit Friar! Stop getting so nervous. Oh god. Here she comes. Okay. Right, just um... be cool."

"Wow. Her... her eyes they're so blue. I've never really... wow. Wait. Oh my god, she's saying something. I... I don't know what though.  I can't break contact with her eyes. Crap, Lucas what is wrong with you?!"

"The usual Friar?" the waitress asked again with a smile on her face.

"Yes um, please thank you, yes." he replied awkwardly.

"So thats eggs and bacon?"

"Yes. That is what I shall order for my breakfast which I shall eat. Because I'm hungry and I need to not be hungry."

Maya laughed slightly and smiled at the perculiar customer. "You're very strange Friar." she said shaking her head. She then walked towards the Kitchen to make a start on the order.

"HOLY WHAT?!! DUDE THE HELL MAN!??! Oh my god! Just breathe. Just calm down and talk normally to her."

Lucas picked up a glass of Orange Juice but his shaky hands meant he didn't manage to keep it all in the glass.


"Lucas is sweet. He thinks I don't notice the fact that he's been here every Saturday since I first served him." She smiled watching him struggle to not spill his drink.

"Its obvious he likes me. When is he gonna ask me out?"

The waitress continued to watch him, giggling when he would spill another bit of drink or when he would just awkwardly sit and twiddle his thumbs. "That Cowboy is one of a kind." she thought to herself.

She picked up his order and prepared to bring it to Lucas.


"Ok. Here she comes. When she puts the plate down, ask her out. Its that simple. Maya would you like to get Coffee sometime? There. Its that easy."

"Here you go, eggs and bacon. Sunnyside up and crispy the way you like it." she said with a smile.

"Oh um.. thank you, this is very nice. Tha.. thanks."

"Oh my god stop stammering!"

"You want anything else with that?"


"Um no its okay thanks Im good."


"Well that was close, I actually thought he was going to do it for a second."

Maya started to walk back to the counter when Lucas called again.

"Actually um, Maya. There is something that I actually want to ask."


"May I have some toast with this also?"

Maya shook her head slightly and smiled. "Of course."

"I guess theres always next Saturday."

15 minutes later


"Well done Friar, you screwed it up again." I guess theres always next Saturday though."

Lucas stood up and walked to the counter to pay for his breakfast. Once he paid, he turned around and went to leave the Diner.

"Woah! Lookout cowboy!" Maya cried.

Lucas knocked into her making her drop the pitcher of Coffee she was holding. It crashed to the ground whilst managing to soak Maya's blue and white apron.

"Maya, I'm so sorry. Please let me help." he quickly grabbed some napkins and started to try and dry up the Coffee on the floor.

Maya began to laugh. "Its okay Lucas."

"Really are you sure? I feel like I need to make it up to you."

"Really its fine." she replied with a smile.

"I'll pay for it!" he blurted out. "I'll pay for the jug I covered the floor in and some Coffee later after your shift?" Suddenly his nerves had subsided.

"I think I can probably allow for that." the blonde replied.

"Thats great! I mean uh, yeah that'll be fun." Lucas smiled at Maya and then made his way towards the door.

"Looks like being a nervous klutz pays off after all." he smiled to himself.


Maya smiled as she watched him leave the Diner. She picked up a brush and started to sweep away the glass from the smashed Coffee pitcher.

"I'll let him think that he was the one who knocked into me."

Aye its Nat here.

So this has actually been my first oneshot ever. So ye I hope everyone likes it, plz nu h8!

Okie amma go now. Bye everyone <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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