Chapter 1: Beauty Queen Of Only Eighteen

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Chapter 1: Beauty Queen Of Only Eighteen

The cold wind hits her face as she exits the school. Her head is hung low, her blue eyes facing the ground. She didn't waste anytime in leaving that place. She placed her headphones on her head, turning the steady beat of Mayday Parade up. 

She walked the few blocks to that familiar coffee shop, still refusing to look up from the ground. The door chimed as she entered the small coffee shop. She didn't order anything, instead sat down in her usual spot by the window. She pulls out her small notebook that sits in her bag, and slowly began to write.

She didn't really have a direction of her writing.

It mostly just involved song lyrics, or poems. 

And what just seemed as pointless words to some, they spoke volumes to her. For writing was her way of escape. An escape from the life she lived. It wasn't really all that bad of one, but she felt trapped. She felt pressured.

She felt the pressure of perfection. 

But she didn't let that show. If you looked upon this young blonde, you'd think she was doing just fine. You'd think she'd be living the dream, but when you get closer you see that her eyes don't shine when she smiles.

Her voice is quiet.

She has no voice I guess you could say. 

She was the one who found it easier to blend into the crowd, instead of voicing her protest. 

She liked it that way. She preferred being invisible. 

And on days like this, she wished she could just disappear entirely.

As she watched the sun set from the little coffee shop she decided it was probably time to go home. Her walk was short and filled with only sound of the music blasting through her headphones. She entered her small home, dropping her bag onto the floor. She didn't join the people at the dinner table, instead went upstairs to her room. It was there that she found a small piece of joy. 

People didn't understand why she loved this boy. People could never understand it. Nobody knew how much he'd saved her, without even meeting her. 

They didn't need to understand. She was the only who needed to, and sometimes she wonders why she loves him so much.

Maybe it's because to her, he's the definition of perfect.

Her reason to stay. 

It was one of her dreams to meet the one who saved her, but she knew the chances of that happening were slim. 

No one knew.

No one knew about the thoughts that ran through her head each night, some so dark and demonic that even she herself was scared. 

She couldn't tell anyone, they'd just send her away. They didn't notice that her smile wasn't real. They didn't notice, and in a way she was okay with that.

But she was in need of a superman, and little did she know that her superman was none other than the one that keeps her on stable ground. 

Her superman was currently sitting on a bus, his friends all laughing and joking around. He offered them all the occasional tired smile, and continued to scroll through his twitter. He was dead tired, and couldn't wait until he was once again sleeping in his own bed. Sometimes touring around the world could really suck away your life, but he still loved it.

He loved every second of it, but there were days that he wished that he could once again be normal. 

He wished that for once, someone would love him for him, not just love him for the fame. He wanted someone that he could return home to, and just sit there for hours and talk to them. He wanted something to prove to him that the world around him wasn't just camera flashes.

He wanted something to believe in, and little did he know that she was just out of his reach.

He was about to be struck by lightning

She was about to be given one more reason to stay.

This girl sat upon her bed, her eyes staring up at the ceiling.

This boy sat in his seat, eyes locked on his phone screen.

Warm tears streamed down her face once more as she thought of the challenges tomorrow would hold.

Laughter erupted from the boy as his banged his head against the window.

She was broken

And he was the glue that was going to fix her.


Really short first chapter... Sorry





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