Chapter 3: He Was Always There To Help Her

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Chapter 3: He Was Always There To Help Her

It was an early Tuesday morning when Molly found herself standing in front of her superman. Granted it had been a complete accident, they weren't scheduled to be there for another few weeks at the earliest... but yet there he stood in front of her. 

She didn't say a word, too scared to really believe he was there. It was more than obvious this was another dream. She had these dreams often and just wished that eventually one would become true. She found herself staring, wanting more than anything just to touch him... See if he was in fact real. 

Her superman hadn't noticed her yet, his eyes watching the tossing waves wondering why they looked so inviting at the moment. His hands were frozen to the gate that separated him from the bridge, his hair tossing slightly as the cold breeze blew. 

His eyes were locked on the rising sun, blinking as it slowly began to blind him. He clicked his tongue, counting how many seconds it took for it to come completely into his view. He didn't pay attention to the other person on the bridge, only thought of them as another sunrise watcher. He didn't spare a single glance towards the girl he was supposed to save.

He didn't know he was her superman... 

So naturally, once the sun was in the sky he left. He placed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, walking down the street with his hair blowing in the wind. Molly stood there still, her eyes wide and her hands shaking. It was in that moment though her superman turned around, his green connecting with her blue. She stood in the light of the rising sun, her face a mere shadow but to her superman it was pure perfection. 

He didn't hesitate in walking towards her, finding himself grabbing her face in his hands in a single gesture. He was surprised to find himself kissing her ever so softly, their lips melting together. He rested his forehead against hers, their cheeks rosy from the cold weather outside. 

"Who are you?" He whispered, his eyes looking intently into hers. She only smiled at him, shaking her head as she did so. She remained silent, causing her superman to look at her curiously. 

"Who are you and why do I feel like I've been searching for you my entire life?" She didn't answer him once again, making the boy wonder if she was incapable of speech. He found his hand tracing her face softly, his fingers tangling in her hair as it blew.

"Who are you?" He waited for an answer, unable to get one just like before. He went to ask a forth time, only to be interrupted by the sound of an oncoming storm. The boy looked up at the now dark stormy sky, blinking when droplets of rain decorated his face. A flash of lightning shot across the sky, followed by the sound of thunder. 

The boy felt another cold breeze hit his face, and he looked back to see the girl that had once been in his arms was gone. She had left much like the lightning had, in a flash. 


"Harry, mate you gotta get up." The boy was awoken by the sound of his best friend's voice, the sound seeming to be right by his ear. 

"Go away." Harry muttered, grabbing his pillow to cover his ears. 

"I wish I could, but you need to get up. I'm sorry." Harry sighed before pulling his pillow away once more. His eyes connected with Louis' who was looking at him apologetically. 

"It's okay. Do we have a show tonight?" Harry's voice was still evident of sleep, cracking a little as he spoke. 

"Yeah, but it's the last one till we've got a break for about a week." Louis offered Harry a smile, one that was half heatedly returned. 

"I'll let you get ready to go, but if you aren't downstairs in a half hour I'm dragging you out of this house even if you're naked." Harry didn't even give Louis a chuckle, only shaking his head at his friend. Louis frowned at this, but didn't think to question Harry about his sudden coldness towards everyone. Instead he left the room, his thoughts elsewhere than what his friend may have been going through. 

Harry sighed again once Louis left, sitting up in his bed with a frown. He was sick of this place, all he wanted to do was go home and forget for a while who he was. He wished things were once again simple... That he didn't have to put on a brave face for the rest of the world. 

He didn't want to be THE Harry Styles anymore...

He just wanted to be Harry, but at the moment that was too much to ask for.

Instead he rubbed at his face before climbing out from underneath his covers. He showed quickly, forcing himself to smile as he entered the room where his friends sat. He didn't say much that morning, only nodding and smiling when questions were directed at him. 

When the night rolled around, he took his spot upon the stage. He blinked his eyes as thousands of lights flashed at him, but he kept his smile. He waved at the crowd, occasionally blowing a kiss at some of the girls in the front row. 

His eyes looked over the stadium, almost as if he was searching for something. 

Or rather someone. 

He was looking for her, even if he didn't know it yet. 

He was looking for his Lois Lane, who was thousands of miles away...

Waiting for her superman.


I would like to begin with how sorry I am for the fact I haven't updated this story for over five months.

I hope you guys who are reading this can forgive me. 

I'll be on this account more regularly for a little while now though due to hate on my main. 

So that's all I have to say.






Connie xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2014 ⏰

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