Chapter 2: She Had Some Trouble With Herself

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Chapter 2: She Had Some Trouble With Herself

She ran out of the house, tears streaming down her face as their words hit her like knives. She didn't really know where she was running, but she knew the further away from her home the better. Words of hatred filled her mind as she got further and further away. 



You'll never be good enough 

She used to be able to ignore them, but it was only a matter of time before her walls finally shattered. Too long had she been taking blow after blow. She slowed her running to a brisk walk, pulling her arms around herself. The cool Autumn breeze hit her tear stained cheeks, and her breathing was coming out in short pants. 



Not good enough.

"Shut up..." She whispered to herself, clamping her hands over her ears.



Not good enough 

"Please..." She whimpered out, her eyes clenched shut. 



Not good enough

She knew all of this. She didn't need to reminded that she didn't mean anything. She didn't need this bullshit anymore. Frustrated more than sad, the blond looked up from her hands, her eyes falling onto the small coffee shop in front of her. It was her calming place, and at this moment she needed it. 

The bell chimed as she walked through the front door, where she fell into the same seat she always sat at. Those around her didn't really pay much attention to the girl sobbing in the corner.

They'd prefer ignoring the obvious.

The obvious being the fact the girl had hit her final straw. She had one crack too many, and it was only a matter of time before she was shattered at their feet. 

There however was one person. He was a new face in the small coffee shop. He was just a stranger passing through. He didn't know the girl that sat in the corner. He didn't know anyone, but as he watched her from afar, he realized that this girl needed someone to save her. He was cautious with his approach, not really wanting to scare her off.

She didn't look up as he sat across from her. 

But he wanted her to.

He wanted to see what those eyes held besides the tears. 

Neither spoke, the sound of her cries slowly dying down. Only then did she dare look up. She blinked a little, not really understanding how on earth he could be sitting infront of her. It wasn't possible. 

Her superman was sitting right in front of her.

But even her dreams couldn't suffice to that. 

The sound of her mother yelling her name wrenched her from her dream. She let out a small sob as she realized it was just a dream. He wasn't anywhere near her. He wouldn't be there to save the day. She slowly climbed out of her bed, making her way downstairs where her mother stood in the kitchen. 

"Morning sleeping beauty." She didn't really speak, just nodding in her mothers direction to show she heard her.

"Did you sleep well?" She only shrugged, not really knowing herself. 

"Are you actually going to talk to me today? Or are you just going to be a pathetic pain in my ass?" 

"What's the point of speaking when you don't listen?" Her mother sighed, running a hand through her greying hair.

"Molly, I have been patient with you. I have waited for you to grow out of this... Phase, but it feels like you don't even listen to me. It's like all I say to you goes through one ear and out the other. "

"I could say the same."

"I don't appreciate the attitude." 

"I don't appreciate the fact you never listen. Mother, I have told you time and time again that all I want is for you to just leave me alone. I'm fine with having a conversation ever once in a while, but I just can't have you breathing down my neck."

"It seems that the only way you do what your told is for me to be breathing down your neck. Molly you are 18 and I think it's about time you grow up." 

"How am I supposed to? You won't let me."

"Don't speak to me like that."

"You wanted me to talk, so here I am talking. You won't let me do anything mother. I feel as if I'm suffocating, but you don't care. All you care about is the fact that I'm not the perfect fucking daughter you want. I'm not Natalie, and I never will be." Molly stood up from her seat, rushing back to her room. Tears strolled down her face, but she didn't want her mother to see. 

"Molly! Come back here!" Her mother yelled, but Molly ignored her, slamming her bedroom door shut. She climbed out her window, sliding down the wall and out of the house. She felt as if her dream was becoming reality.

Oh how she wished that were the case.

She didn't break into a run, instead walking with her arms wrapped around her. 

The more distance between her and her hell the better, but she knew that by the end of the day, she'd have to once again return to her hell. 

She needed her superman soon.

But her superman was still thousend's of miles away from her. 

Her superman placed upon his face another smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. He was slowly falling apart too, but he didn't want those around him to worry.

He could fix himself.

Or so he thought. 




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