Xavier hated police stations, he always have from the age of five when he found out that they were worst than the Mafia. They were corrupt and instead of protecting the people like they swore to do they protect the persons harming the people. Atleast no one thought the Mafia to be good and they don't pretend to be something they aren't. But now sitting in the interrogation room at the station he must admit that he admire these officers and their efforts. They were persistent and that may intimidated any other person but they were Mafia children they need to come better.
" we are just trying to catch the killer,"  the officers told them.
" really?" Asked Daniel,"  because it seems as if you are already accusing us."
Which was the truth considering that they came crashed the party but the children already expected it. Searched the entire place, found nothing, sent everyone home except the six of them and brought them in for questioning. They had been there for four hours now and not getting anywhere. They were tired, the girls even fell asleep within the first two and a half hours.
" Mitchell let them go," the chief came in and say.
" but sir I was this close to getting what I needed,"  the detective said.
" which was what we falling asleep?" Daniel asked. Cameron chuckled. Xavier was silent throughout the entire ordeal. The only reaction he gave was the many glares he gave the officer.
"sir?"  The officer said.
" drop it Mitchell let the children go."
the one named Mitchell gave an groan but let them go. They were glad to finally be free they practically ran out the station but came to an halt when they saw the girl name kalicia in the chiefs office. She gave them a wink and went back to looking at her phone as if dismissing them.
" there's something mysterious about that girl," Cameron said.
" true she's probably doing this," Daniel added
" then why would she help us," Caterina asked.
" I agree,"  Syria added," she's mysterious but if she's the one then we would have been caught."
Augusta still didn't trust her though. Whoever it was was playing with them. And they are allowing them.
They all looked at her. She said something to the chief that made him flinch.
" am I the only one aware that she has our biggest secret?" Augusta asked.
" we have only one solution and that is to let her join us," Daniel said.
They all nodded in agreement. Except Cameron who was thinking that her being with them was the worst idea ever. She had a air of danger about her, one that he wouldn't dear test.
Kalicia thought that they all had left. She was shocked to see that Xavier stood outside the station waiting on her.
" what are you doing here?" She asked him.
" to walk you home of course," he replied.
" I can take care of myself Wolfe," she told him feeling irritated.
"I don't doubt that but I have to watch out for you," he told her.
She she smiled." Go ahead and ask,"  she told him.
" why did you help us?" He asked
" because you guys are no use to me dead or in prison," she told him. He tried to understand what she meant but decided that there was no understanding her. 

The school day went by fast and the children were at the hedge of their seats waiting for whoever it was to attack them again. Lunch time came fast and they sat preparing to approach her. She came into the cafeteria with a confidence they all envied. They had to wonder how they had never seen her before. She was about to move pass them when they stood up in front her. She sighed they were irritating her.
" can we talk to you?"  Caterina asked.
" you are doing that all ready," she told them.
Daniel smiled it was good that  she's not afraid of them it's kind of refreshing. After getting over the shock of her obvious annoyance. 
" we want you to join  us," Cameron said in an irritated tone. He did not trust her mostly because he didn't know what to expect from her.
She laughed. They were shocked. She laughed at them. As if the laugh didn't happen she looked at them her expression blank.
" are you asking or you are demanding?" She asked.
" why does it matter?"  Daniel asked.
" sweetie I don't do well with people telling me what to do." She said a little too sweet.
" oh come others would die to be apart of us,"  Caterina said irritated.
" others would but dieing isn't appealing at the moment,"   she replied. Caterina couldn't help but admire her. She sound annoyed at first but know they couldn't tell what she felt or was thinking and that in her book was something considering the fact that not everyone could do it. They always tell her that a persons eyes never lie and right now kalicia's eyes held no emotion and that was not something not even her could do and other than Xavier she was the best they got.
" I don't want to join  you people so I advice you to let me pass ," she told them.
" we aren't giving you a choice," Daniel said gripping her arm.
She laughed at him Daniel wasn't the easiest person to find amusing when he was angry he looked intimidating unlike Xavier who always look that way. Speaking of the devil Caterina looked over at him. He sat looking amused at the situation. She wanted to go and grip him and throw some sense into him. " you are cute and quite amusing too,"  kalicia said with a chuckle, "but you are also quite annoying and arrogant if you think you can order me to join you."
She looked at them all and said in a stern voice that gave them no room to argue.
" I will not join you and that's final so I advice to stop annoying me and let me be."
She stepped closer and whispered," and if you dear test me I will destroy the lot of you."
That gave the effect she needed they flinched. She was small and looked fragile but she was intimidated as hell.
" told she wouldn't agree," Xavier said still looking amused but that didn't last as their phone buzzed with another message.
So you guys got away with that uhhh. Ha ha it's quite amusing now it's time for another test I want a document in the safe in the principals office. As you know it's a special document # 735. Get it.
They had to wonder who this person thought they were.
Oh and I want it by 10 drop it at the door of a red car that will be parked outside. And don't think not to do it I have your secret remember.
Another message came in seconds later it was a video of them burying the body.
Oh god what have they gotten themselves into. Daniel thought.

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