Every one has a moment when they realized that they aren't as good as they thought. When they realized that there are others who's better than they are. That's when their world will come crashing. Like the mc for instance. One girl proved how little they knew of this business they loved. They had been searching for the car for hours when Kalicia came out of the school. School was over and though they had missed classes no one would dare say. The stigma that comes with who they are isn't necessarily real. They were suppose to a set of bad ass children that drives fear into everyone but they are not. It was obvious because if they were this lunatic wouldn't be testing their patience. What's also obvious is that it's someone that knew them well enough to know that they would not even attempt to tell their parents. They were suppose to be dangerous. Unstoppable.

But then again every one has their flaws. the worst thing about being dangerous is that there's always someone after you. Its hard to know whose your friend and who wants you dead and so you live always suspecting and never trusting pushing away those who cares about you in the process. David's father had taught him that tho people may say that they are  your friends it's not usually so, Friends  stick with you no matter what. That's a lie your enemies stick with no matter what. When you are on the path of destruction your friends leave not because they don't care but because it hurts to watch someone they  care about hurt themselves. Your enemies will stay not because they care but they want to rejoice with your down fall. That's life. One can't question it just have to learn to appreciate it . That's just how life is.
He remembered when he was a kid. He can never forget the beautiful young lady with rich chocolate Brown eyes. She was alone in his father's garden. He hadn't visited the place much and the little girl made him want to be there just to feel her presence. She sat among some black Roses. He never understood how the roses were black but then again their was a lot he didn't understand. She held the roses between her thump toying with the petals. They held no beauty in them. They the ugliest set of flowers in the garden which was why he didn't understand why they were there in the first place.  This girl however, thought them to be fragile. That's what might have fascinated him.

"you're just going to keep staring love?" she asked. 

so she knew he was there. 

"Sorry I'm just trying to understand why you are so fascinated by those black roses," he said. She smiled her smile held so many secrets that he was attempted to ask her to spill. 

"it's ok to admit that you may believe that they are ugly." she said.

He didn't reply because admitting they are ugly he believed that would be the wrong response.

" You why i like these. because they are different. Every thing else seems to bright up the world of others but not these. I love them because what you see is what you get. the others beauty draws you to them but the thorns at the bottom will destroy. you keep away from this because it's ugly. but it doesn't deceive anyone."

he understood her perfectly but she sounded like a grown up.

"what's your point?" he asked

"Be careful. because all roses have thorns." she left

He didn't know who she was.

Watching Kalicia now he can see the resemblance between the two but he refused to make assumptions. 

" You guys are really stupid." she said," There's a red car beside the principals car. it's small and u may step on it."

" It's a toy!" Syria said.

"I know. but did the person say it wasn't. If that's not the car then it's his/her business. the rest is on them. why don't you guys make a copy of that file so you can see what's in it? oh boy amateurs."  she said shaking her head. 

Augusta was about to say something when Xavier stopped her. He knew she wasn't one to mess with. He have a feeling they will be needing her and she knows it too.

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