Womanizer P.6

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"Sebastian!! What the hell?? It's fucking raining! Get in the car!" Doug, one of your bestfriends since highschool, drove all the way here to come pick you up, and maybe give you a ride to the nearest hotel or something. You just can't believe she bailed on you like that, and "meeting" someone later tonight? That's not like her at all.

You pick up your bags from the front door of her house, you thought ahead because you're not an idiot, she's clearly kicking you out at this point. But it doesn't make any sense? One moment you both were okay, the next is she's basically saying to leave her fucking house.

Did she overheard your phone call with... No. She couldn't have, she was upstairs.

Right, Maggi. The other one. You two have only been together for three months and she's already showed you another world away from all the drama and the negativity, and some good fucking. Also, you lived at Maggi's place but you moved back to your ex's house and now she's kicking you out, you're basically homeless.

You put your baggages in the trunk of Doug's car, your whole body is soaking wet from the heavy drops of rain.

You missed your appointment with the investor, missed to pick up Tyler and Josh now they're mad at you, and you intentionally didn't go to Maggi's place, because you're trying so fucking hard to avoid her, and make her eventually break it off. And that's what you've been doing for almost three weeks now. Because honestly, you can't see Maggi's heart break in front of you, you're not gonna do that again to any woman.

You quickly ran to the other side and sat on the passenger seat, apologizing for getting the seat all wet.

"Nah, it's fine, man.. What the hell happened to you?" Doug asked, starting the car and drove off.

"Two girls happened to me, Doug. I thought it was gonna be all fun and games, but man.. Karma came from behind and bit me in the ass, it's insane."

Doug clicked his tongue at you and laughed, "Man.. Two girls, huh? That's what you been doing? No wonder you look like someone who does cocaine.. Jesus, Seb. You gotta take a break."

"God, Dougie, I'm trying.. You remember my ex, Y/N? Right?"

Doug nodded, keeping his focus on driving, trying very hard to not drive off the road.

"I made the most insanely stupid choice, Doug. I.. Fuck!!" You groaned, hitting the dashboard of Doug's car in frustration. "I cheated on her, man.. I can't say it was a mistake.. I knew from the beginning.." You sighed, leaning one the seat and closing your eyes, you're just so angry at yourself.

"You knew from the beginning it was a mistake, but the rush of your secret love affair gave you so much adrenaline, the sneaking off, the midnight phone calls, etcetera... etcetera..?" Doug asked and glanced at you, smiling. All you can do is laugh at him, because he knows you too well.

"Exactly, Doug. It was fun at first, but then she found out.. She doesn't know her name though."

"What's her name? Is she at least banging hot??" Your bestfriend joked, all these years, even months of no contact with Dougie, he still knows you all too well.

"I'd show you, Doug but my phone's in the trunk." You said, looking at Doug. "Thanks again, man.. Really. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for you. And sorry you had to drive all the way here."

"Sebastian, shut the fuck up. If I was the one to call you, I know you'd always be there for me." Doug smiled at you, that cheerful eyes glancing at you from time to time. You smiled at him back, but felt guilt when you thought; no. If he was the one to call you, you won't be there for him. That's how selfish you are, how manipulative. That's how much you use people.

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