(LONG OVERDUE) Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Billie’s P.O.V

‘What did she say?’ I asked strolling up to Tre as he came out of Grace’s room

‘Nothing really….. oh but she does want her guitar’ he smiled before skipping over to Mike who was sat reading.

I smiled as I felt that slowly everything was beginning to turn back to normal. I began running through things I wanted us all to do as a family, I even began thinking about different schools Grace might want to go to. But I still felt un easy, like there was still something dark looming over me, placing doubts in my mind and filing my head with worries.

I decided just to shake it off; it was probably just because of the lack of sleep I had been getting recently. I made my way out to the buses that had finally arrived to grab Grace’s guitar.

As I reached the bus something didn’t feel right, the whole feeling was just…. Wrong. It didn’t feel right returning to a place with such happy memories when something so destructive had just happened. I hesitated before opening the door, but as walked in I began feeling more and more strange, it was dull and gloomy in the bus all I could make out were shadows. It just didn’t feel right the atmosphere was weird. I walked through and found the guitar and bolted out of that place as quickly as possible.

‘What the hell is wrong with you Billie?’ I asked myself, ‘getting freaked out by a bus!’ I laughed trying to make myself feel better. The relief I felt was false, I was just trying to reassure myself that I wasn’t going crazy. I knew something wasn’t right, I just didn’t know what it was.

I made my way back through the hospital until I found Adie sat staring blankly at a wall,

‘Adie? A-are you okay?’ I slowly walked up to her placing my arm on her shoulder, which seemed to jolt her from her daze.

‘Um yeah, just tired’ she smiled weakly. I couldn’t help but hear some doubt in her voice, but I just smiled and kissed her head before entering Grace’s room.

I looked over to a small crumpled body under the sheets,

‘Grace?’ I whispered, she slowly stirred and began sitting up

‘I brought you guitar…. I was meaning to ask you by the way, have you named it yet?’ she scrunched up her face trying to think,

‘You know what Billie? I haven’t’ she giggled at her reply before once again knitting her eyebrows in search of words.

‘Well you should think of one, all guitars need a name’ I patted her guitar

‘Well it needs to be original but it also needs to be a name where when people hear it, hey explode because of its awesomeness!’ I giggled at her response, she was returning to her old bubbly yet weird self,

‘Well, that’s great…. How are you feeling?’ I could tell my question brought the mood down as Grace just sighed

‘Better…. Billie, I do appreciate everything you, Tre, Mike and Adrienne have done for me’ she remained looking down

‘Yeah I know’ I smiled

‘Good, it’s just…. I’m broken, why do you want something that’s broken? I mean it’s going to take a lot to fix me, and you already have to kids that function perfectly…. I just, I don’t understand’ she looked at me, no tears, no sadness, just pure confusion filled her eyes. I looked at her trying to take in what she had said, I tried to speak but nothing was able to escape my lips…. I was speechless

‘I mean….I cut myself, I have security issues, I have cause huge amounts of destruction and yet you all still like me’ her eyes searched my face for a reaction, but all I could do was stare…

‘Grace, why would we need to fix you? Nobody is perfect; it was be one boring ass life if we were. Every day with you is an adventure, you’re not broken you’re different and there is nothing wrong with that. It would be boring as fuck to look out that window and see every single person identical to each other, to have no distinguishable features between anything, how shit would it be to re live the same day over and over and over and over for the rest of your life? There are factors in your life that have been the worst things imaginable, but please Grace, don’t give up! Don’t let that bastard win! Because you can be something amazing, every single person has it within themselves to say NO FUCK YOU WORLD AND ALL YOUR SHITTINESS I AM GOING TO LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I FUCKING WANT TO!’ I didn’t even realise what I was saying, it just al sort of poured out, I think it was things I had wanted to say to her before but just didn’t know how to until now.

I looked up to see Grace beaming from ear to ear

‘Wow…. Thank you’ she quickly hugged me before picking up her guitar still smiling,

‘You’re welcome, when I come back in I either want a verse for a new song or a name for your guitar… and I’m not fucking about, I am deadly serious’ I gave her a death stare which she returned,

‘You may have both’ she replied matching the same low voice I had used, I giggled before walking out.

Hey guys I am sooooooooooooo sorry for the extremely overdue update my laptop broke and a day after I got it back it broke again, I have had loads of college work to do over the past months, but none of these are good enough excuses! I will have another chapter of this up Thursday maybe earlier, and I will be updating my other story as well don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about it….. I am sorry it’s a short chapter but I desperately wanted to get something out for you guys and its half 1 in the morning so it isn’t that great but I will be working on a good one tomorrow,

 ooo also side note I have stumbled across a YouTuber Markiplier and he literally has me in stiches, just wondering if any of you guys watch him as well if not and you like gaming YouTube channels then check him out….

Again sorry guys I love you all soooooo much thank you for reading, please comment and vote…. Thanks!!!! :D 

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