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Chapter 5

Billie’s P.O.V

Grace had been in hospital for 2 weeks before she was allowed to come home, and today was the day. It felt so much longer than 2 weeks, more like 2 years! Of course I went up to see her every day, we’d sing and play our guitars together, and she was getting real good at it. Adie couldn’t wait to finally have her back safely in her own home, she’s been fussing around the house making sure everything is perfect, the guys have bought her some welcome home gifts, Jacob and Joey  have even added little things to her room, but I don’t think any of that stuff matters. What matters is that my daughter is coming home today.

Grace’s P.O.V

I couldn’t sleep, I was just too excited to finally get out of this place, I couldn’t wait to go to school! And that’s something I NEVER thought I would be saying, but being away from normal people all this time. I mean don’t get me wrong, travelling around the world with Green Day was FUCKING AWESOME!!! And now having Billie Joe Armstrong and Adie as my legal guardians, I couldn’t be happier, but I still want some normality in my life.

I laid there just starring up to the celling, have you ever done that? Just starred so long at your celling, that you swear you could begin to see the stars. I know that can’t actually happen, but sometimes your mind can play tricks on you. Create things that aren’t real, things you wish for most, you begin to see signs in the smallest of things that your wishes may actually become true. When actually it’s your mind having a little fun, the mind can be cruel at times.

So as I lay there pondering about every dark corner of the universe, I begin to realise how much my life is now changed. Everything that’s ever happened to me in the past has gone. Instead of tying a neat bow around it all and burying it away in the deepest darkest corner of eternity. I’ve managed to wrap a broken up piece of twine around it and place it into a tatty old shoe box, dropping it right at the back of my own mind. So for now I can forget about it. But I know that twine won’t last for ever, and the poxy crumpled box will begin to split and disintegrate.  But at least when it does come back and begin to plague my thoughts, I’ll be ready for it, because now I have a life, and it’s my life. I will live it the way I want to and I will say FUCK YOU! To the world, just like my dad told me to.

Okay guys I decided I didn’t want to leave this story up in the air I wanted to give it a real meaning. And that goes for you all! Everything you do in your life make sure it’s because you want to do it! We only have one life, so let’s live it the best way… for our selves.

But don’t worry this is only the end for now, I will be making a book 3 sort of where we can see how everything is going for Grace and her family.

I want to Thank every single one of you that have taken time out from your own life to read this.

I’m going to be writing some short stories that are going to be coming form a real place and things that have happened to me, they’re going to be a little contemporary, but I hope you will all read them and enjoy them.

Thanks guys!!!!!!! :D <3

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