Chapter 4

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  The next day Gou told me to meet her at the swimming pool.
"What is this all about?" I ask
"We just wanted you to see us in action. Maybe get a feel for the swim club up close and personal." says Nagisa
"Also to make you a proper member of the team." says Gou
I don't know if I could consider myself part of the team . I mean I am just making banners and posters.
"Here we made you a shirt." says Mokoto handing me the shirt.
I don't want to be the one to complain but-
"Who designed this shirt a fifth grader?" I ask
"Well I could take the shirt back you know." says Gou angrily
"Sorry Gou. To be honest, I don't need a t-shirt." I say trying to apologize the best way possible
"You without a shirt, so Rin's not going to be the only to see it." says Nagisa
That little bastard thinks that he's funny.
I flick his head.
"Shut up." I say
"Speaking of Rin, he told me to tell you that he was sorry the way he acted yesterday."
"Oh really?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean from the time that past it seems like his temper is uncontrollable compared to when he was a kid. I really doubt that he said that he was sorry."
"I'm sorry for his behavior lately. I don't know what has got into him."
"It's not like I'm saying there's anything you should apologize for. I'm just saying your brother is a jerk."
"Anyways let's get off the subject of Rin and get to swimming." says Mokoto
Haru jumps in the water causing the water to splash on my hair.
"Dang it Haru that was my hair!" I say
"There's no limit when it comes to Haru and water!" says Nagisa jumping in after
Then Rei and Mokoto jumped in.
I find it real funny how fast they can strip for water, especially Haru.
"Look at those muscles." says Gou
Well what a leader she is. Just staring at them constantly. I guess I better get a picture of what I want the the posters to be like. I should have brought my camera if that's the case. Oh well. I guess I can go off by memory.
"Well isn't it nice seeing you."
I turn around to see Ms. Amakata.
"Hey Ms. Amakata. I guess you're the teacher who help the swim club out right?"
"Yep. I make sure that everything is in shape."
"Well can you handle Gou's drooling?"
"Gou has her ways of looking. Everyone do. There's a saying: It's not a crime to look."
I put my focus towards the boys. Sure they're handsome young men, but other then that I don't see why Gou is head over heels for them. Wait. I just remembered something. Dance team. What am I going to do about that?
"So since you guys want me on the team, how is this going to affect my dance practice?" I ask
"Come on Kyoya you're smart I'm sure you can find out how to balance them out some how." says Gou
I guess I can find a way to do that. I mean how hard can it be.
"Hey Yoyo do you know how to cook?" asks Nagisa
"Don't call me that and yes. Why?"
"Not to be a bug, but do you mind making us food for tomorrow. Gou wants us to be on a diet plan and we don't know what she wants." says Mokoto
Hmm. I don't know if I should. I mean I don't know what Gou wants the guys to eat. I guess something healthy.
"I guess I can do that. Are any of you guys allergic to anything?"
"Nope." They all say
The next morning, I packed everyone a lunch. It's something that I usually eat since I need to keep my dancer body up.
"Okay guys. I pretty much tried to give you all the healthy benefits. There's meat, vegetables, fruits, and fish." I say
"Wow this stuff looks amazing. Thanks Kyoya." says Mokoto
They were about to eat when Gou smacked all of their hands.
"The dish is lacking real flavor." says Gou
"Hey I didn't slave over a hot stove for nothing." I say
"Gou how about you make us lunch." says Nagisa mad
" He has a point. You show us what a healthy dish looks like." says Rei
"You know what I will. Come on Kyoya."
I look at her very confused.
"What?" I ask
" We are going shopping."
Gou grabs my hand and drags me.
" I gotta get to dance practice!" I yell out loud
She continues to drag me until we are out of school sight.
Instead of dragging me to the regular grocery store, she drags me to the sports store.
"Gou what do you expect to find here? I mean this ain't the place to find your regular rice ball." I say
"Stop complaining and help me look for protein!"
"What protein are you expecting to get from here?"
"Just look!"
Gou pushes me to a section.
After a few minutes, I find nothing of what Gou wants because she is not being specific. Also because you can't find anything like that in a sports store. I walk back over to her section to her with Rin and some other boys.
"Kyoya's the only one with me today." I hear Gou say
"Speaking of which, there she is now. Hey Kyoya sorry for yesterday." says Rin focusing his attention on me
"Rin can you please tell your sister that there is no way that you can find healthy protein in a sports store." I say
It's not like I didn't accept Rin's apology. It's just that I feel like what we are doing is more important.
One of the boys walked up to me. He was tall with black hair and green eyes.
"I don't think we ever met before. My name is Sousuke Yamazaki." he says
"Nice to meet you Sousuke. My name is Kyoya Nakano."
"I don't really say this to a lot of people, but you are pretty cute." he says
Wow I never had guy try to flirt with me before. I just felt my cheeks get a hint of red as I started to grin.
"Why thank you. I don't get many compliments now a days." I say with my eyes close and my right hand on my right cheek
I feel a grab at the top of my head and then someone's lips on mine. I open my eyes. I was expecting Sousuke, but I saw red hair. Then I figured out that it was Rin. Why he was kissing me? My eyes widen, but it was nothing compared to how the other's face. Rin starts to puts in a little moans. Then,out of the blue, he sticks his tongue in my mouth. This made my eyes widen more. You might be wondering why I didn't stop him. The only reason I didn't do that was because I knew that it wouldn't work. Rin is way taller than me and has more muscle. He would probably just feel like it was just a breeze of wind hitting him. After probably 50 seconds, Rin let's go with a string of saliva coming from our mouths.I feel all kinds of reds on my face.
"Wait you guys are trying to find protein here?" says Rin turning to everyone else and just changing the topic
"Yeah I am trying to make a healthy meal for the guys. We need as much protein as we need." says Gou
"Well I don't know about that, but there are some granola bars and a couple other things." says Rin
"Thanks Rin. Come on Kyoya." says Gou
"Bye." says Rin
Gou gets ahead of me, so I stay back to get answers from Rin. I pull his hair hard.
"Okay what was that about?" I ask sternly
"Look despite what Sousuke said, he really just goes around dating anyone. I just don't want your feelings to hurt. Consider yourself saved."
"Yeah but was the tongue necessary?"
"Yes, yes it was. Anyways, go check up on Gou to make sure that she didn't get lost. I will see you later." says Rin
When I got back to Gou, she said nothing about the incident and just continued to shop.
End of P.O.V
Rin's P.O.V
The guys and I just had got from the gym. I was just laying in the bed while Sousuke was doing homework late at night.
"Dude go to bed." I say trying to get some sleep
"I'm almost done." he says
"You said that an hour ago."
"And now I am done. Good night."
Sousuke turns off the lights and climbs onto the top bunk.
Finally I can get some sleep.
"So how much do you like her?"
"What are you going on about?" I ask
"You know who I am talking about. Kyoya was her name? So what's the deal with you two because I know you two aren't dating or anything. That kiss was just to try to keep me away. A simple whisper in my ear that she was yours would have done it for me."
I guess I can't get anything pass Sousuke. He can read me like a book.
"I've known her since the whole transfer thing. So her,Haru, Nagisa, Mokoto, and Haru went to the same school. Though she wouldn't even say anything to anyone. To be honest, the only time that we talked back then was when I first came to the school and when I stole her crayon."
"So what did you say to her the first day?"
"It was when I asked to sit next to her. I asked her for her name and I told her that we should switch names because I have a girl's name and she has a boy's name. She chuckled a little and left it at that."
"So what did she say when you stole her crayon?"
" 'Give me my crayon back you fool!' Then she just started to beat on me until I cried. The teacher saw and put her in the corner for the rest of the class."
"So why did you steal the crayon?"
" Because I just really wanted her to talk to me."
Now that I am saying it out loud, I kinda sound like a jerk. I should have expected getting hit. Then again I was young.
"So what do you like about her?"
" Her shyness, her beautiful long hair, how she's so creative, she has the perfect body-"
"Woah perfect body? You saw some skin?"
"Yeah but it was on accident and she was only in her bra and panties."
"How did that happened on accident?"
"I accidentally walked in on her getting dressed."
"I bet you got excited."
"Shut up and go to bed."
To be honest, I really like Kyoya. I liked her ever since we were young. That's the main reason I stole her crayon and invited her to the last relay I was in when I was little. I don't know what's been up with me lately. I have just been acting like an idiot around her. I guess that's what happens when you are in love with someone and you keep it from them.  

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