Chapter 6

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  ~Time skip~
It was during the swim meet. Everyone has been improving except for Momo. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he better get it together.
"Guys!" I hear a familar voice say, obviously it's Gou.
And she brought the others around as well including Kyoya. Kyoya didn't look well. It was like something was bothering her.
"Hey guys. You came here to see us practice?" I ask
"Yeah. We just need a break for now. Plus watching you guys swim might give us some tips on how we can crush you guys!" says Rei
He's developed some guts. I'll tell you that.
"Since you are talking about crushing us how about another relay. Freestyle as usual. You can see if you guys can keep up with us." I say challenging them
"You are on. This time I am prepared!" says Rei
"Might as well." say Mokoto
Like usual, Haru stripped down into his swim suit.
We had began to race each other. It was Me, Mokoto, Aii, and Sousuke. It was a hard race to determine, but I think that we won fair in square. At the end of the race, I looked towards Kyoya and saw that she was still upset. Is she sick or something? I hope not. If that the case, she shouldn't be here. It's not only for the team's sake, but for hers as well.
I got out of the water and walked up to her.
"Kyoya are you okay?"
She had her head buried in her knees. She gave me no type of answer.
I kneeled down to her and tried to remove her hands from her face, but she wouldn't let me.
"Kyoya are you sick?" I ask
"No." she finally answered
"Then what's wrong?"
"I just don't feel like being here right now."
Gou then walks up to us.
"She's still not feeling good?" asks Gou
"Gou if she's not feeling well why would you bring her here?" I ask
You don't want to drag someone to something they don't want to go to.
Kyoya stands up and fix her hair.
"I'm fine. See. I think I am just going to go home."
"You walking?" I ask
"Yeah. It's a distance, but I will be fine."
She begins to walk out.
I don't want her to be walking home alone. Who knows what will happen to her.
I run out to her.
"Kyoya," I say
She turns around to me.
"How about I walk you home." I finish
End of P.O.V
Kyoya's P.O.V
Why would he want to walk me home? I'm pretty much fine walking home myself.
"No. It's okay you don't have to." I say
"It's not a point of me having to. I want to."
He wants to walk me home. I can't argue with something someone wants. I know that we are going to end up arguing with him if I just go back and forth with him.
"You're just going to go back and forth with me aren't you?" I ask
Rin smirks at me and walks closer to me.
"No need to." he says swinging me over his shoulder roughly
This causes my head to hurt even more than it was.
"Hey not fast."
"Why you got a headache?"
"Now I do."
"Sorry. Just tell me where to go and I will try my best not to make it a bumpy ride."
I just gave in.
"Alright keep going straight until you reach the bus stop then make a right."
I couple minutes pass and I arrive at my home. I got to hand it to Rin. He keeps his promises.
"Thanks Rin for carrying me home."
"No problem. But to be completely honest with you, you could lose a couple pounds."
What the heck? I am not even that heavy.
"I am only 90lbs!"
"Don't worry. Maybe you are just top heavy."
Top heavy?
I start to squeeze my chest in embarrassment.
Rin chuckles.
"I'm just kidding."
Rin plays too much. I guess he has to put some humor in things. Rin has been being nice to me lately. I can't just let him go away without me thanking him in a way.
"Hey Rin. Do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask
"For dinner? You sure your parents would mind?"
"I live by myself."
"Wait so it will be just you and me?" he asks blushing
Rin kinda looks adorable when blushing. This causes me to blush, but I turn my head.
"Do you want to come in or not?"
I let us both into the house.
"What do you want to eat?"
"I'll eat anything. I'm not picky." he says looking around
"You can look around all you want, but no touching anything."
I run into the kitchen.
Okay what can I make. I guess I can make some Ramen. I start to take out the ingredients.
While I am slicing the chicken, I start to feel a tingling feeling in my hand that I am using to cut the chicken. I stop slicing and begin to shake my hand. This causes the tingling to spread. It seems like it's not going away. I just use my other hand.
~Time skip~
I am boiling the stock once more. All of a sudden, my legs give out on me, and I fall to the ground.
What is wrong with me today? This have never happened to me before. I try to stand up, but it seems like my legs wasn't listening to me. It was like I lost all control in my legs.
I begin to hit my legs.
"Why can't I get up?"
This is stupid. What is wrong with me?
"Kyoya, are you okay?" Rin says running to me
"I'm fine. I just tripped. No big deal."
"Well can you stand?"
Dang it, that is not the question I want to hear. I don't want Rin to be worried about me. I'm sure that I will be okay.
I try my best to stand up and ended up successful. Well at least successful enough until Rin left the kitchen. My legs were wobbling real bad. I am able to finish the dinner though.
Rin left soon after. Rin and I ended up exchanging phone numbers before he left.
I don't know what's wrong with my legs, but I hope I will be fine in the morning.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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