Fuck Off

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*Cameron's P.O.V.*

Driving to school I was probably the happiest person alive.You see I'm not as worried about other opinion because I could easily take them down without breaking a sweat.Plus it wasnt like anyone was really gonna do/say ranging because people are usually scared of me.

We got to school and got out of the car walking to the front of it before I grabbed his hand and started walking toward the hell we call high school.I did see all the looks we were getting but it didn't bother me.No one said anything as we walk into the school and to Nash's locker.

"Yo Dallas what are you doing with gay boy over here?" I hear Jack G. ask from a little ways down the hall.

"Because Gilinsky this person you called a "gay boy" happens to be my boyfriend so I'd appreciate if youd oh I dont know...fuck off" I said turning around only to be met by his shocked expression.

"Your kidding right???Cam you can't be serious!!!Your on something or or something!!!!" He says trying to find a reason behind why I'd do this.

"Nope,I'm completely here in the brain and you can deal with it." I say smiling because I see Nash out of the corner of my eye smiling when I said that.Like he didn't at first believe I would stick to him being my boyfriend when Gilinsky started questioning me.

"Dude its wrong!!!!!!And what about your parents?!?!?!They'll surely kick you out and your life will be ruined from this one mistake!!!" He yells and people started to crowd around us and some yelling at us to fight.

"Bro one I don't care what my parents think and two no a mistake is what a girl thinks the morning after she gets with you!!!!!" I yell back getting tired of his bullshit.

"Whatever don't talk to me ever again faggot" he says while walking off but not before whispering that he'd be getting Nash as soon as I wasn't with him then disappearing in the crowd.

"Oh my god I'm going to die today if he gets me!!!!" Nash shouts after the shock of what just happens wears off.

"Well!!!Dont you people have a life!?!?!Get put of here!!!!!" I yell as people start to run off different places till the hall was almost empty.

"Don't worry babe,I thought ahead already and made me and you have to same classes so it won't happen." I said calmly looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I can't believe you did that though" He says quietly,almost in a whisper

"Well can't have people mess with my baby and get away with it.Plus nothing will happen to us.Everyone is too scared to try anything and my parents couldnt give to shits on whatever happens to me.So its gonna be ok I promise.OK?" I says pulling him into my arms and comforting him.

"OK" He simply replies

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