Chapter 20

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Only 2 chapters left after this one! Ahhhh! 

Geoffrey of Monmouth stood in the throne room in front of the citizens of Camelot and smiled as Arthur knelt before him, "Will you solemnly swear to govern the people of Camelot according to the laws and customs."

Arthur bowed his head, "I solemnly swear to do so."

"Will you, to your power, cause lawful justice and mercy to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will," Arthur replied. Geoffrey nodded to him and Arthur stood up, sitting down on the throne. Geoffrey held the crown and rested it on Arthur's head, "then, by the powers vested in me, I hereby crown you King Arthur of Camelot."

Arthur smiled and held his head high as everyone cheered.

"LONG LIVE THE KING!" Morgana shouted.

Merlin soon joined her, "LONG LIVE THE KING!"

Before they knew it, everyone in the throne room was shouting as loud as they could. Gwen stood next to Morgana and Merlin and smiled at Arthur, love and pride radiating from her features. Arthur smiled and nodded at her.

Gwen finally joined the room in all their shouts, "LONG LIVE THE KING!"

* * *

Later that evening there was a great feast to celebrate the crowning of Camelot's new king. Merlin and Morgana sat on a hill overlooking Camelot, watching as fireworks and laughter erupted from the streets. Morgana rested her head on Merlin's shoulder and played with the blade of grass she was holding. "I think Arthur will be a great king."

"Someone once told me that his destiny was to become the greatest king Camelot has ever seen."

"Do you think they're right?" Morgana asked as she removed Belegil from her shoulder and set him down in her lap.

Merlin nodded, "I do."

Morgana sighed, "Merlin, do you think we'll still be able to do lessons?"

Merlin chuckled at her, "Morgana, you don't need me anymore. You've gotten great with your magic."

She shook her head, "I don't want to stop."

It wasn't that she couldn't do it on her own, she could, she was certainly powerful enough. But she also feared that now that they were back in Camelot that he would return to working for Arthur and she wouldn't be able to spend time with him anymore. That thought scared her. Over time, she had started to develop feelings for the young sorcerer, and returning back to their old way of life where they were only able to see each other once or twice a week wasn't something she wanted.

Merlin smiled and draped an arm across her shoulder, "alright, if you don't want to stop then we don't have to."

She leaned in to his embrace and smiled happily, "thank you, Merlin."

* * *

Morgana walked back into her old room and smiled. It was like she never left. She looked at Gwen, "you did this?"

Gwen shrugged, "well I didn't just sit around and twiddle my thumbs all day. Anyways, I was hoping you and Merlin would return."

Morgana smiled at her friend, "thank you, Gwen."

Arthur had lifted the price on their heads officially, telling the Knights and everyone who worked in the castle that it was just a misunderstanding between his father and Morgana. Everyone seemed to understand and welcomed both Morgana and Merlin back with open arms.

Morgana walked around her room and smiled up at Gwen, "now I just need to get my things from our house."

Gwen raised an eyebrow, "you two have a house?"

Morgana shrugged, "you expected us to live under a tree?"

Gwen shook her head, "no, I just didn't think that you could build a house so quickly."

Morgana laughed and outstretched her hand, letting a few small sparks fly from it. Gwen looked embarrassed, "oh that's right, I seem to keep forgetting."

"Would you like to come with me?"

"What, now?"

Morgana nodded, "I need to get a few of my things, Merlin can go back and get his things whenever he wants."

Gwen thought about it for a moment, "sure."

Morgana held out her hand and smiled at Gwen, "take my hand."

Gwen looked confused but did as she was told. Before she knew it, she and Morgana were inside a quaint log cabin. She gasped, "that was brilliant! And this house, it's amazing!"

Morgana smiled, "thank you, Gwen. My room is this way." Morgana walked down the small hallway and opened the door to her room. She grabbed the bag that was lying on the floor and started to place all of her stuff into it. She packed up her few dresses, her mirror, her hairbrush, Belegil's pillow, her shoes, and her shoes."

Gwen looked at the small pillow, "what's that pillow for?"

Morgana smiled and whispered over her shoulder, "Belegil, you can come out now."

Gwen gasped as a small dragon appeared on Morgana's shoulder. It cooed at her and Gwen smiled. "How did you get this little guy?"

Morgana smiled lovingly at the small dragon, "Merlin made him."

"Merlin did this?"

Morgana smiled and nodded.

Gwen smirked, "he must think you're very special."

Morgana blushed and looked at the floor, "no. Merlin doesn't think of me in that way."

Gwen laughed at her friend, "Morgana, have you not seen the looks he gives you? The man adores you."

Morgana looked up and raised an eyebrow, "no he doesn't."

Gwen shook her head and smiled, "alright, Morgana, whatever you say."

* * *

Morgana knocked on the door to Gaius' chambers when she returned from her house with Gwen. Gaius opened the door and smiled at her, "my child, what can I do for you?"

She smiled at him, "is Merlin here?"

Gaius gave her a small smile and opened the door fully, "he's upstairs."

She bowed her head and smiled, "thank you, Gaius." She walked up the few stairs and knocked on the door to Merlin's chambers, "Merlin, it's Morgana."

Merlin opened the door a second later and smiled at her, "what can I do for you?"

She smiled back at him, "I just wanted to tell you that l was at the house with Gwen today and I picked up your magic book."

Merlin nodded and smiled, "so is that where you two were? I transported myself there just a little while ago to look for you and I got the rest of my stuff."

Morgana raised an eyebrow and leaned against the doorframe, "why were you looking for me?"

Merlin smiled excitedly, "you haven't heard? Arthur wants to talk to you and me about magic. He says he's considering lifting the ban."

Morgana gasped and embraced Merlin, "thanks wonderful!"

He embraced her back immediately, "I've been waiting for this moment forever."

She pulled back, "maybe now we'll be able to practice freely."

He smiled at her, "that's what I'm hoping for."

They both remained silent for a little while, just staring at each other. Finally, Morgana snapped out of her reverie, "well, it's been a long day. I think I'll turn in for the night. I'll see you tomorrow, Merlin."

"Of course, my lady," he said with a smile as she kissed his cheek.

She shouted playfully over her shoulder as she left, "just Morgana!"

He chuckled to himself and shut his door behind him, he couldn't wait until tomorrow.

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