Chapter 14

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"Are you sure about this?" Hunith asked as she hugged her son.

Merlin nodded, "it's safer this way. If Morgana and I are on our own, the King won't have anyone executed for helping us."

Hunith nodded sadly and let her son go, "well it was good to see you again, Merlin." She turned to Morgana, "and it was an honor to meet you, my lady."

Morgana rushed to her and wrapped her in a tight hug, "thank you for everything, Hunith. And I've told you before, just Morgana is fine."

Hunith returned the hug after a moment and consented with a smile, "as you wish, Morgana."

Morgana let her go and joined Merlin by the front door, giving one last smile at Hunith.

Morgana turned to Merlin, "alright, Merlin, which way do we go?"

"I don't know," he said with a smile. "Where do you want to live for a little while?"

"Well," said Morgana as she and Merlin started to walk in no specific direction, "probably somewhere secluded. How about somewhere by a lake?"

Merlin nodded, "that sounds like an excellent idea. I know of a great one. It's about a day's walk from Ealdor and a two day's walk from Camelot."

Morgana nodded and slung her pack over her shoulder, Merlin doing the same soon after, "that's sounds great. Lead the way."

Merlin nodded and turned on his heels, heading slightly towards the left, into the forest surrounding Ealdor. Morgana followed him, making sure to pick up her skirts so as not to trip on them.

* * *

They made pretty good time, stopping only two or three times to rest their feet or to eat some of the food Gwen had packed for them. They arrived at the lake after dark, deciding to start on the shelter in the morning. For now, sleeping on their blankets under the stars would do. Merlin pulled his out of his pack and laid it down a foot away from Morgana's. He draped his second blanket over his body and drew it close to him, heating himself up. Morgana soon did the same and tried to join him in his peaceful slumber.

Her efforts were fruitless.

* * *

Merlin woke in the middle of the night when he was covered in sweat. Odd, he should be freezing. He sat upright in bed when he realized that the ground around them was on fire. He looked over at Morgana and saw that she, too, was awake. She was sitting on her blanket and was hugging her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face.

She gave a despairing look at Merlin and said, above the roar of the flames, "I did this."

He ran a hand through his hair and whispered, "duin eithel," and a large hole appeared in the ground, sucking the fire down into it and into the pool of water that was waiting at the bottom of it. The hole closed up once all of the fire was gone and Merlin looked over at Morgana, who was now passed out. Had she seen him use magic?

* * *

Morgana awoke a few moments later and screamed. Merlin, who was still sitting watch, turned his head to look at her. She looked up at him and whimpered, "but there was a fire..."

He nodded, "it's alright, Morgana."

She looked down, unable to meet his gaze, "I started it."

"You mentioned that. Care to elaborate?"

She slowly nodded, "I guess I've suspected for a while, what with my dreams and all, but I think I have magic. I started the fire tonight." She stopped and looked up at him with fear, "please don't hate me," she said quietly, fearing that he would be scared of her and leave her by herself.

"Morgana," he said gently, "I could never hate you. When someone has magic, if they don't know how to use it correctly, it bottles up inside them and releases itself at the most random of times. I don't fear you."

She raised an eyebrow and wiped a stray tear that had started to run down her cheek, "how do you know so much about magic?"

Merlin bit his lip and decided to risk it. He knew exactly how Morgana felt right now, scared and alone, he didn't want her to be all by herself while she was going through this like he had. He decided to look her in the eyes and whisper, "Luin tuilë," and a small blue flower appeared in his hand.

Morgana gasped and her eyes widened in wonder and shock. Arthur's clumsy serving boy had magic? She leaned forward and wrapped him in a hug, "I'm so scared."

It took Merlin a second to get over the shock that she was hugging him before he wrapped his arms around her and absentmindedly rubbed her back with his thumb soothingly, "Morgana there's nothing to be scared of."

She buried her face in his neck and started to cry silently, "all my life I was told magic was evil. I spent the last few weeks thinking that I may be evil. I was so scared that Uther would have me executed."

"It's ok, Morgana. You'll be alright. If you want, I can help you control it."

She nodded, "thank you, Merlin."

"Of course," he replied.

She sighed as he held her. Her heart was racing in fear in the discovery that she now has magic, as did her companion. How had she not noticed it before? There were small ways in how he acted that should've tipped her off but she never paid any attention to it, thinking that he was just a clumsy serving boy. Well, a clumsy serving boy that was now her most trusted friend. A clumsy serving boy who could hold her in his arms and make all of her fears disappear in an instant.

She wasn't sure how long they spent like this, probably too long to be proper, but she didn't care, she needed someone to tell her that everything was going to be okay. Someone to tell her that it was alright to be different. Someone to tell her that she wasn't alone.

Yes, all the spells are Elvish xD I couldn't figure out the Old English like they did in the show so I improvised with Tolkien's Elvish :P I think when I go back and edit every single one of my stories I'll change it to Old English, but for now... Elvish.

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