Silent Sounds 「Kousei x Reader」

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I heard nothing.

I looked at the sheet of music. Lines with bubbles. Some were empty, other were full.

Life was like that music sheet. The empty notes presented the empty promises, empty gestures, empty hearts, all the bad stuff dealt with in life. The full was the opposite. Both bad and good were needed to play a song.

"Stop moping around." Tsubaki smiled cheekily at me as I sketched onto my paper.

I completed the eyes of the character and drew in her lips.

"He is back to playing piano."

"That's great."

"[y/n] please."

"Tsubaki, please." I roughly outlined her hair which caused Tsubaki to sigh.

"Fine." She stomped out childishly with her cheeks puffed out.

I continued my drawing before I was interrupted by the sound of an annoyed male.

"O-ow Tsubaki! What was that for?!" Kousei exclaimed before I shielded my paper away from his view.

"Hey." I mumbled to Kousei and turned away from him.

"Hey," he said before I looked out the window.

"Heh," I muttered under my breath as the foggy curtains danced from the cold March breeze.

I walked over to the window and stared outside before we were accompanied by Watari.

"Oi Kousei! Wanna go see a soccer game at the stadium this weekend?" He asked excitedly and Tsubaki quickly stepped in.

"Kousei wanted to ask [y/n] something." Tsubaki exclaimed which caused an argument on what Kousei was going to do over the weekend.

I spun around on my heels before making direct eye contact with Kousei. I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes before looking away and sighed.

"Sorry Watari." I looked at him before smiling. "Kousei is busy this weekend."

"What? No I am not."

"Gotta go see you Watari~!" I dragged Kousei out of the room and down the stairs.

"What are you doing?"

"I saved your ass." I mumbled.

"Kousei!" Kaori beamed as she skipped over.

I clutched the strap of my bag then shoved Kaori slightly when I stormed past her.

"Wait! [y/n]!" Kousei shouted to me which caused me to run down the last flight of stairs.

I changed my school slippers into my outside shoes before running down the street. I wiped my eyes when I tripped and fell on the sidewalk.

I slowly stood up and brushed my knees off. I picked up my bag and walked home.

I set my bag on the table after taking my shoes off. I looked in the living room and saw my older brother watching a cooking show.

"Mom left sandwiches in the fridge. She said she'll be home later again tonight." He stood up and ruffled my hair as he walked past me.

I nodded slowly which caused him to stop.

"Kaori again?"

I looked up at him and he smiled tenderly at me.

"Yeah." I choked as he pulled me into a hug.

"Tell Kousei how you feel." He whispered as he stroked my hair. "Tsubaki will help you."

I nodded and smiled big. I slid my shoes on before I ran out the door to Tsubaki's house.

I knocked on her door and she answered.

"[y/n]?" She asked and I panted.

"I.. need to.. need to tell him."

Tsubaki smiled big and nodded. She quickly threw her shoes on before dragging me to the park.

"Kousei is studying here right now!" She shouted excitedly and I giggled.

We turned around the corner when we saw Kousei sitting on the bench. He had a scarf on and his ears were tinted pink.

I ripped from her grip when I saw Kaori skip down the sidewalk across the street from us.

"You'll regret not telling him now go." She shoved me forward and I nodded.

I ran to him then skidding on a thin ice patch. I slid into Kousei and knocked us over the bench. I sat up to me over him and I smiled.

"Ow." He rubbed his obsidian hair as his nose flourished a pink tip.

"Kousei!" I beamed and he looked up at me.


"I like you." I said and looked into his eyes.

"In the friend way?"

I shook my head furiously.

"So you don't like me?"

I nodded.

"In the friend way then."

I shook my head again.

"Then how?"

"I love you Kousei!" I hugged him around his neck and smiled more.

"I-in the friend way?"

I pulled from the hug and he lightly nudged me.

The sounds of the birds chirping became louder. The car horns were more vivid. I smiled big at him.

"Thank you [y/n]." He wiped his eyes from any tears and I tilted my head.

"For what?" I asked and he laughed once.

"You brought the color into my world."

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